School Finance Case Study: Mock Budget Hope Creek Elementary Nafeesha Irby, Karyn Pleasant, Katie Row, Cindy Miller-Walker
Welcome to Hope Creek Elementary Grade Levels: K-5th Student Population: 563 Teacher Population: 28 Teacher:Student Ratio: 1:23.5 Parental Involvement: 85% Title I School Academic Focus: Literacy for All
Budget Overview Instructional Supplies-State: $14, Instructional Supplies-Local: $ 7, Copier Services: $8, School Office Supplies: $ Title I Funds: $180,000 Field Trips: $ Janitorial Supplies & Materials: $3,941.00
Instructional Supplies Technology Pilot: Barnes & Noble Nooks Cost of Device: $80.00 each Goal: Each teacher will be provided a class set of 25 Nooks to support differentiated reading in their classes Cost of Nooks per classroom: $80.00 x 25= $2, Total cost of Nooks: $12, Balance Instructional Supplies-State: $2,075.00
Instructional Supplies Continued ● Each grade-level will be provided with a $1, yearly budget ($500/semester) o Paper o Pencils o Notebooks o Rulers o Etc ● Computer: $600.00/year ($300/semester) ● Art: $600/year ($300/semester) ● Music: $600/year ($300/semester) ● Media: $600/year ($300/semester) Breakdown: $1, x 6= $6, $ $1,800.00= $8, *$2, of the $2, from State funding went toward wish-list supplies
Instructional Supplies Summary $12, $8,400.00= $20, of $21, Nooks Supplies Total "Spent" Total Budget Balances $1,230 from Instructional Supplies-State $75.00 from Instructional Supplies-Local Total: $1,305.00
Title I The Title I Funds received for Hope Creek Elementary School will be allocated for the following: 2 Additional Teaching Positions 2 Additional Teaching Assistant Positions Additional Field Trip Funds Workshop/Professional Development E-books Ipads (5 for small group) Technological Support (including Applications) for Ipad EC Instructional Supplies Parent Involvement: Supplies/Materials Parent Involvement: Food **All Title I Funds must be directly tied to and impact student achievement.
Title I Funds, Continued DescriptionCostReasoning 2 Additional Teaching Positions Salaries: $60, The SLT understands the importance of small class sizes for both teachers and students. In order to best facilitate differentiated instruction, building strong teacher-student relationships and communication among teachers and parents we felt the addition of two teachers was necessary. Social Security: $4, Retirement: $8, Hospitalization: $10, Total cost for two teachers: $84,
Title I Funds, Continued DescriptionCostReasoning 2 Additional Teaching Assistant Positions Salaries: $45, The SLT understands the importance of support for the faculty at Hope Creek Elementary School. In order to best support our EC department and offer an additional elective (computer) to support student learning through online enrichment and remediation programs, we felt the addition of two teacher assistants was necessary. Social Security: $3, Retirement: $6, Hospitalization: $10, Total cost for two teacher assistants: $66,
Title I Funds, Continued DescriptionBudgetedReasoning Additional Field Trip Funds $5,000The SLT understands the importance of experience in regards to student learning. We felt as if the current field trip funding was inadequate and have allocated $5,000 of the Title I funding to support school sponsored field trips.
Title I Funds, Continued DescriptionBudgetedReasoning Workshop/ Professional Development Funds $12,000The SLT understands the curriculum transition our teachers are going through while moving to the common core. All workshops paid through this funding will need to meet required criteria and must be directly related to improving student achievement.
Title I Funds, Continued DescriptionBudgetedReasoning E-books$3,000The SLT is aware of the Technology Pilot being implemented regarding the Nooks. To best support this pilot, new library books, including Accelerated Reader books, will be purchased electronically with a school-wide license.
Title I Funds, Continued Description Budgeted Reasoning Ipads (5 for small group) $3,000The SLT has elected to support the small group instruction occurring in the EC and AIG departments by purchasing a small group set of Ipads. These will be used to differentiate and offer different perspectives and ensure success for all students at Hope Creek Elementary. Technological Support (including Applications) for Ipad $1,000The SLT understands the potential of the Ipad initiative for small group use in the EC and AIG departments. In order to ensure success with this initiative we are choosing to allocate $1,000 for maintenance, repair and application (software) purchases. EC Instructional Supplies $1,000The SLT is aware of the unique services the EC department renders to the entire school community at Hope Creek Elementary School. Because of these services the SLT has budgeted $500 a semester ($1,000 total) from the Title I fund to support the department to be used for any instruction supplies the department needs.
Title I Funds, Continued DescriptionBudgetedReasoning Parent Involvement: Supplies/ Materials $600The SLT believes in the importance of strong parent-teacher-student relationships. To support and facilitate parent nights in each grade level we are awarding $100 for each grade level to use for supplies and materials. Parent Involvement: Food $1200The SLT understands the importance of fellowship over meals in our community. To bring in the parents and community $200 per grade level is currently budgeted for parents nights. Additional funds may be reallocated, if needed.
Title I Funds, Summary *****Remain ing/Unallocated Funds: $ DescriptionCost 2 Additional Teaching Positions$84, Additional Teaching Assistant Positions$66, Additional Field Trip Funds$5,000 Workshop/Professional Development$12,000 E-books$3,000 Ipads (5 for small group)$3,000 Technological Support (including Applications) for Ipad $1,000 EC Instructional Supplies$1,000 Parent Involvement: Supplies/Materials$600 Parent Involvement: Food$1200 TOTAL "SPENT"$177,687.12
Janitorial Supplies & Materials Beginning Budget: $3, Fall (September-January): $1, Spring (February- May): $1, Summer (June-August): $1, Balance: $41.00 *Additional funds provided by PTO to support special events (open-house, awards ceremony, teacher appreciation, etc.)
Field Trips I magination Station Museum/Science on Wheels-- Wilson, NC-Hands-on learning of science concepts Rationale: School Improvement Goal 2- Improve student instructional performance in science and improve 5th grade science EOG scores. Beginning Budget= $5, Each grade level - one museum visit=$ Each grade level-Science on Wheels Assembly Program=$ Fourth and Fifth Grade levels -Science on Wheels Discovery Classes=$ Science on Wheels Mileage =$ Balance= $70.00
School Office Supplies The budget at Hope Creek Elementary School allows for $ for office supplies during the school year. At the start of the school year, each teacher was asked to provide a "wishlist" of office supplies that could be used to service their classroom throughout the school year. The secretary is responsible for compiling the list and ordering and maintaining the stock of the necessary supplies.
School Office Supplies The following office supplies are purchased from this fund: o pens/pencils o manila file folders o hanging file folders o Post-It notes o tape (masking and scotch) o envelopes o paper clips o white out o yellow clasp envelopes
Copier Services Our school has a copy contract with Toshiba Business Solutions of the Carolinas to rent 3 copiers under a 36 month contract. Each copier will cost $ per month and this cost includes all maintenance charges and operating supplies except paper, staples and staple wire. *contract accessed via NC E-Procurement
Copy Allocation per Teacher Each copier has a 20,000 copy output. Two copiers will be assigned for teacher use ●28 teachers are each allocated 1000 copies per month (500 on each copier) One copier will be for office and EC use.
Copier Costs The total copier budget is $ The rental cost of 3 copiers is $4, Cost for 80 cartons of paper is $ (each carton contains 10 reams of paper)