Healthy School Program What is My Role? What are the Steps? Awards Program
Alliance for a Healthier Generation At School
What is My Role? You can’t make change alone! Step 1 - With Principal convene a Healthy School Team: PE Teacher Health Teacher Cafeteria Manager Parent/Students School Nurse Other
Healthy Schools BuilderHealthy Schools Builder – Log On 6 Steps to Success! Step 1: Start a Wellness Council Step 2: Complete an Inventory Step 3: Develop an Action Plan Step 4: Identify Resources Step 5: Take Action Step 6: Celebrate Success
Step 2 – Update Your Inventory Log on from Builder Link name is (Ex: Password is “password” Note – anyone can register with own personal to access to tools/resources; but to use Inventory you must use the above formula and NOT change it.
Step 3 – Action Planning All schools have Inventory data – click on Tracker on Results tab to help with Step 3 Prioritization and Action Planning Prioritization will help your Healthy School Team identify what is important and achievable in your school. Prioritization is the process by which your Team will determine the action steps in your short- and long-term action plans. Your action plan is the document your school will use as a roadmap toward creating a healthier school.
School May create Health/Wellness SIP Goal or Objective Criteria for the Healthy Schools Awards and DOE’s Healthy District Award include a health/wellness goal in SIP. Schools are encouraged to include either a supportive Objective/Action Step in a required Goal or “Other” Goal to improve health/wellness.
Useful Data for SIP Goal/Objective Your school’s FitnessGram Pacer (Aerobic capacity) or BMI Data Results Your school’s Healthy School Inventory Results as noted in the Progress Tracker and Step 3 Action Plan customized suggestions for your school Your middle or high school’s health class survey data for students food consumption data
Follow-up Healthy Schools Inventory results (n = 122), Spring 2010
Follow Up Step 5: Take Action Step 6: Celebrate Success May be eligible for Recognition
May be eligible for Recognition? IMPORTANT NOTES: Inaccurate responses on Inventory may cause school to receive a web message that school is eligible for award. Award application takes time (plan for 3 months) and is a collaborative effort. If school cafeteria is to be impacted by application, PLEASE contact PEGGY JOHNS before contacting cafeteria manager.
Thank you! Peggy Johns Supervisor Pre K-12 Health Education