Jacqueline Resendiz Morales Joscelyn Martinez Teresa Bonilla Leonard Smith
“The Green Party is no longer the alternative, the Green Party is the imperative” -Rosa Clemente
1.) Office Manager Brian Bittner 2.) Media Coordinators Scott Mc Larty Starlene Rankin ) Media Accreditation Contact information including Social Networking sites College Greens or GREEN
The Green Party wants to reduce the “toxic racism” we usually do. Ecology: Help people live with natural systems which will help both the people and the world go “green.” Community-Based Sustainable Economics: Favor Jeffersonian model with ownership and control spread widely. The economic point is to shift focus on people, sustainability, and economic justice. Democracy and Electoral Reform: Mobilize the number of people who participate at local level, as well as challenging the notion that only experienced people can decide. By doing so we will be able to determine what we want, for our future by doing propositional representation. Social Justice and Livable Communities: By having close relations with one another it makes our decisions stronger which would protect people. And confronting the barriers that our cultures makes us confront each other.
Civil Rights Stop discrimination, give everyone equal respect in marriage decisions even gay marriages. Respect ethnic, racial, sexual, and spiritual diversity. The government should provide equal rights for all. And not deprive people of their civil rights. The Green party is Liberal.
Education The Green party feels that they should stop school vouchers and support choice with in public schools. By doing so everyone will be able to receive the same education. This makes them liberal because they want every student to have the same opportunities. Instead of having more options only because they have a higher status.
Welfare and Poverty The green party believes that “all people have a right to food, housing, medical care, a living wage job, education, and support in times of hardships … call for restoration of a federally funded fundamentally funded entitlement program to support children, families, the unemployed, elderly and disabled, with no time limit on benefits. This program should be funded through the existing welfare budget, reductions in military spending and corporate subsides, and a fair progressive income tax.” Government’s role should be to use the existing welfare budget, and reduce military spending to help all people who are in need. This makes them conservatives.
Abortion The green party believes that “Women’s right to control their bodies is non- negotiable. It is essential that the option of a safe, legal abortion remains available. The “morning-after” pill must be affordable and easy accessible without a prescription, together with a government- sponsored public relations campaign to educate women about this form of contraception; consultation about abortion and the performance of abortions. We believe the right of a woman to control her own body is unalienable. It is essential that the option is safe, legal abortion remains available.” The green party is liberal on this issue because they feel that women have a right to their own body and they can’t force them to do anything they don’t want to do. Government’s role should be to provide safe medical procedures, treatments and diagnostics.
Liberal Issues Abortion Same sex marriage Taxes United Nations (UN) Educational School Vouchers Environment Gun Control Health Care Homeland Security Immigration War In Iraq Welfare Death Penalty Affirmative Action Religion Taxes Economy Conservative Issues
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