CRISIS in Haiti
HAITI Earthquake Facts On Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 7.0 SR earthquake rocks Haiti's Capitol, Port-au-Prince. Official death toll: over 150,000. Many more bodies remain uncounted under rubble in the capital, including the towns of Jacmel and Leogane Millions homeless.
RESPONSE In partnership with a local church in Maryland, Evangel Assembly of God, have sent: – A team of 7 workers (including 2 nurses) – 350 lbs of relief aid and medical supplies – 2 truckloads of Relief Aid and Supplies from Dominican Republic into Haiti ( Water, Energy Drink, powder milk, oatmeal, powdered drinks, etc.) We have sent: 1 Water Purification Unit. Access to Clean Water is one of the URGENT needs.
Devastation Pictures from Ground
RELIEF Distributed medical supplies, lights and water to road-side clinics, Refugee Camps not only in Leogane and Port-au- Prince, but also Les Cayes (3.5 hrs from PAP), where many wounded were sent for further treatment. Many are sufferings from Trauma as well.
RELIEF Team Medical Nurse, Providing Medical Aid to the wounded in the Refugee Camp Some children had fevers, and some with very bad wounds that have not been taken care of.
RELIEF Pastor Eric Dorsey, Team leader, and other team members and nurses, distributing medicines
RELIEF Many are now living in Refugee /IDPs Camp at Port-au- Prince and outskirts of PAP such as Les Cayes.
RELIEF Van arriving with Aid (left) Ground Team Distributing Aid using the Church Van (right)
RELIEF Pastor Ignace Augustin (Ground Team Leader, pastor of Bethanie Evangelical Mission of Haiti) with the nurse providing medical aid and distributing relief supplies to the people in IDP camps.
RELIEF WH team distributing Aid to the people in IDP camps.
RELIEF Aid has started to reach the smaller towns like Grand-Goave. The US Navy has brought food aid being distributed throughout the 20 or more camps in town. Samaritan's Purse has come and is offering assistance at Haiti ARISE compound to help provide water, shelter and clean-up aid.
RELIEF This coming week, Feb. 7 th, 2010, We are sending additional WH Personnel (Ps. Sugi Hendric from IFGF GISI Pinole and Ps. Somi Pranoto from IFGF GISI Houston) along with more medical aid, medicines worth $40K, Water Purification Unit and other relief supplies. Currently, the relief fund has been used mainly for the following: Water Purification Unit Food & Drink: Water, Energy Drink, powder milk, oatmeal, powdered drinks. Basic Daily Supplies: Toiletries, flash lights, batteries, candles, female products, dry goods, tarps for shelters Medicines Sending medical personnel and volunteers
REBUILDING/RECOVERY In Partnership with Haiti ARISE, now it’s planning to do rebuilding school, houses, in Grand Goave, where most houses are flattened. Within next one month, another team will be deployed with structural engineers along with more supplies to start the rebuilding process within next one month. FUNDS is still needed to adequately provide assistance to the relief and rebuilding efforts.
Please Pray for…. Healing for the Victims who are suffering from Trauma. Safety and Favors for our relief team that will be deployed next week. For us to assess and find out how we can strategically help in the Disaster Relief and rebuilding process. Many people to come to Christ through this. Haiti has been torn down, but God WILL rebuild it again, to an even more glorious nation, for HIS glory!
PLEASE JOIN US… To help meet the needs of victims in Haiti “Christ has no body on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ’s compassion is to look out.” -- Mother Theresa
“He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and He will reward him for what he has done.” (Prov. 19:17) THANK YOU!! You may also Give your Donation at: or (626)