Texas Educator Excellence Grant (TEEG) Frank Borman Elementary Denton ISD
Purpose of TEEG To achieve higher levels of student academic performance.
The Goals of TEEG To create a financial incentive system for classroom teachers who have demonstrated a positive impact on student academic performance.
Grant Description The grant is designed to award classroom teachers who meet, at a minimum, two required program criteria, or more as identified in their campus incentive plan.
Eligibility This program recognizes and rewards campuses enrolling high percentages of educationally disadvantaged students that received an exemplary or recognized accountability rating or achieved within the top quartile performance for comparable improvement in math, reading/English language arts.
Borman campus award Based on data, Borman has been awarded $90,000 for school year! Gold Performance Award Comparable Improvement in Math!
Grant Distribution The grant is distributed in two parts: Part I ~ Teacher Incentives 75% of the total campus award Tied to student achievement and teacher collaboration Part II ~ Support Staff Incentives 25% of the total campus award Tied to student achievement
Part I ~ Teacher Incentives ($67,500) Criterion 1: Teacher demonstrates improving student performance. Criterion 2: Teacher demonstrates collaboration with faculty and staff that contributes to improving student achievement Criterion 3 (Optional): Teacher demonstrates ongoing initiative, commitment, professionalism, and personalization *Criterion 4 (Optional) Critical Shortage The CLT voted against this section of the grant.
Part II ~ Support Staff Incentive Incentives awarded to staff not eligible for awards under Part I, but that contribute to student performance. _ Certified Personnel (Administrative) –Instructional Paraprofessionals –Non-Instructional Support Staff
Shared Campus Goal To design objectives that involve the entire faculty and staff that improve the academic achievement for all students
Considerations Members of the Campus Leadership Team believe that it is essential for teachers to work together a a team to improve students’ academic success. Therefore, an incentive plan was designed to reward grade level teams for group problem solving and collaboration. In order to do so, it was necessary to design an incentive plan that may result in less than $3000 per teacher.
Part I –Teacher Incentives Criterion 1 ~ $628 Criterion 2 ~ $400 Criterion 3 ~ $350 * A part-time teacher who works 4 hours or more is eligible to receive an incentive. If a part-time teacher qualifies for the incentive program, they would receive half of the amount of a full-time teacher. For example, Criterion 1 ~ $314.
Part 1 ~ Contingency Plan In each criterion, only qualifying teachers receive the designated incentive. Monies not awarded from each criterion will be distributed equally among teachers who qualify for each criterion. This may lead to qualifying teachers receiving more than $1378.
Part II ~ Staff Incentives ($22,500) Certified Personnel (That do not qualify as a classroom teacher): 35% of Part II funds Principals, specialists, counselor, diagnostician, LSSP, Nurse ~ $985 Instructional Paraprofessionals: 35% of Part II funds Paraprofessionals, campus tech, and student facilitators ~ $ Non-Instructional Staff: 30% of Part II Office Staff, Custodial staff, and Food Service Personnel ~ $ Pending Administrative Costs by TEA.
Part II ~ Contingency Plan For Part II, only qualifying staff members receive the designated incentive. Monies not awarded in Part 11 will be distributed equally among Part II staff members who qualified for the incentive.
Grant Timeline February 2007~ CLT met to discuss and vote on grant. April 2007~Initial School Board Presentation. May 2007~Notice of Intent to Apply sent to TEA. June 2007~Attended TETN Sessions. August 2007~thru 31 st ~CLT discussed and created grant stipulations. August 2007 ~ Final Grant Presentation and Vote for Borman Staff. September 2007~Presentation and Vote for District Committee. September 2007~School Board Presentation. September 2007 ~ Grant application due in Austin Documentation Period May 2008 Assess documentation. On or before October 15, 2008 ~ Distribution of grant incentives to qualified staff members