Curriculum & Assessment NSS GEOGRAPHY Curriculum & Assessment
NO school based assessment!!! Paper I (70%) 7 compulsory topics Paper II (30%) 2 elective topics Duration 2.5 hours 1 hour 15 minutes Scope Compulsory Part Elective Part Section / Question type 40 MC (22%) 2 DBQ (36%) 1 Short essay (12%) D. 1 DBQ (18%) E. 1 Short essay (12%) NO school based assessment!!!
7 Compulsory Topics 1. Tectonic hazards (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunami) 2. River and coastal system 3. Industry (Iron and steel industry in China Vs Information Technology Industry) 4. Tropical rainforest & deforestation 5. Global Warming 6. Farming Technology & Famine 7. Rural & urban conflicts
2 Elective topics 1. Dynamic Earth 2. Climate
Assessment characteristics
(1) Issue-based enquiry learning Haiti Earthquake 2010
(1) Issue-based enquiry learning Global warming
Pay attention to current issue! Read newspaper, watch news report daily
Students must love maps 1:20,000 1:5000
2. Map Reading Gradient Direction Area Map symbols Land use Cross section
3. Map-based learning (physical geography) landslide Steep gradient as closely spaced contour lines are found.
3. Map-based learning (human geography) Kowloon Bay Land use changes
4. Photo interpretation
5. Data analysis
Weather chart
6. Draw climatic graph Interpret climatic data
7. Draw annotated diagram
8. Draw river profile
9. Field Trips