Www.england.nhs.uk Magdalena Wood, General Practice and Community Nursing Programme Lead for NHSE Nursing Workforce Summit – Reading – 2 nd July 2015 Transforming.


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Presentation transcript:

Magdalena Wood, General Practice and Community Nursing Programme Lead for NHSE Nursing Workforce Summit – Reading – 2 nd July 2015 Transforming nursing in primary care and community setting in the South West

General Practice and Community Nursing Development Programme

Our Challenges The Patient’s journey The Nurses’ career DesiredActual Desired Actual

What shaped our response and approach? A short story of a Lone Nut and a Follower NHS IQ Leading Transformational Change methodology Wicked Problems and Clumsy Solutions theory

Win wins!

Primary Goal 1 Projects Secondary Goals Enhance Person Centred Co- ordinated Care 1a.Improve Patient Experience 1b.Influence the alignment of Frailty and Living Well agendas Support new ways of working for front line General Practice and Community nursing staff (1a) Assist to embed Frailty Toolkit into Primary Care (1ab) Identify opportunities to strengthen links with voluntary sector, care homes and independent sector (1ab) Develop and embed simple guidance for General Practice on MDTs and facilitation (1b)

Primary Goal 2 Projects Secondary Goals Mobilise and Activate Nursing Workforce Development 2a.Enhance Skill Mix of Nursing Staff 2b.Strengthen Innovation 2c.Improve Recruitment, Retention and Succession Planning Equip General Practice and Community nurses to promote self care – giving them skills in: Motivational Interviewing, Self Management Plans and Coaching for Nursing Leads (2ab) Improve access and equity (for practice nurses) to information, training, job opportunities and peer support via the new General Practice Nursing website (2abc) Nurture Nurse Leaders: Recognise and support existing nurse leaders, Identify and promote leadership opportunities, Facilitate a forum for nurse leaders and Encourage nursing presence at board / decision making meetings (2abc) Create opportunities for joined up training courses for General Practice and Community Nurses (2bc) Identify opportunities to increase number of students in General Practice and Community Nursing (2c) Map out education providers for General Practice and Community Nurses(2c)

Primary Goal 3 ProjectsSecondary Goals Identify and Improve Efficiencies 3a.Identify and share best practice 3b.Influence Commissionin g Practice 3c.Minimise Duplication Support and enhance local networks to improve services (3ab) Share learning from the Living Well project (3a) Identify opportunities to improve communication and reduce duplication (3abc) Influence development of proposed career frameworks (3b) Implement Peninsula wide PGD (Patient Group Directions) (3bc) Engage General Practice and Community Nursing in a rolling programme of conferences and events (Secondary goals: 123)

Practice Nurse voice and representation Shaping education provision Building and supporting networks Sharing learning and best practice Exploring and developing integrated ways of working between GPNs and DNs Building bridges between professional forums (GPNs, DNs, CMs) Implementing MDTs across the system A great opportunity for all nurses to become involved What does it mean for the workforce locally?

Addressing workforce issues in general practice

Set up a strategy group with Plymouth University ‘Shared’ community and general practice student placements model being designed Student Nurse Placements in General Practice – What’s in it for me? - promotional videoStudent Nurse Placements in General Practice – What’s in it for me? - promotional video Increasing student placements in general practice

Embedding the Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) guidance across the system

content/uploads/Keith-Grint-Wicked-Problems- handout.pdfhttp://leadershipforchange.org.uk/wp- content/uploads/Keith-Grint-Wicked-Problems- handout.pdf MDT guidance/ connect with your community teams Further resources

Thank you for listening! Magdalena Wood General Practice and Community Nursing Development Programme Lead NHS England South West Sub region (Bristol North Somerset Somerset, South Glos Devon Cornwall &Isles of Scilly) Peninsula House | Kingsmill Road | Saltash | PL12 6LE 14