Anthony Fasano, P.E. Executive Director The New York State Society of Professional Engineers, Inc. The New York State Society of Professional Engineers, Inc.
Overview Winning Resume Resume Customization A Formula for a Winning Resume Resume Length/Experience Challenges Understanding/Researching the Prospective Employers The Interview The Follow Up
What is a Winning Resume? Helps you land the job or more specifically a job interview
The One Key Factor You MUST Know About How Your Resume Will be Read Visual presentation Neat, easy to read, contains some key points
Importance of Customizing Your Resume Executives look at resumes that match up to their company’s needs Mention the company’s name Use the same words from the job description
The Formula to Building a Winning Resume 1. Include your contact information in the header 2. Justify the text 3. Ensure layout is consistent 4. Place your most relevant work experience at the top of your resume 5. Use numbers where applicable 6. Bold important items that you want to stand out 7. Lose the objective or make it count!
Sample Resume
Proper Length of a Resume and How to Make Yours Fit For engineering students: no longer than 1 page First 5 to 10 years of your career: 2 to 3 pages For over 10 years of working experience: 5 to 10 pages
Tips for Keeping Resume at a Reasonable Length Contact information in header Remove the objective You do not have to put references available upon request List only the projects/experience relevant to the position you are applying for Decrease margin size slightly Have a colleague proofread it
How to Effectively Provide Non-Engineering Experience Make two different sections: 1. Engineering or Related Experience 2. Non-Engineering Experience or Non-Related Write job descriptions for unrelated experience, showing how the skills learned will help the prospective employer
Importance of Honesty Always be truthful on your resume There are times that it is okay to leave something off a resume especially when it will look really bad to prospective employers Update and validate your LinkedIn profile “Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.” - Albert Einstein
The Interview
Understanding the Prospective Employer and Their Needs (Do You REALLY Fit the Bill?) Review the job description in detail again. Do a thorough check of your LinkedIn network for people who: Work for the company; contact them if they know anything about the position or department you would be working in Hold similar positions to the ones you are going to interview for; ask them what challenges they face in that position Prepare a plan to describe the steps or strategies you would implement to improve the department.
Interview Research and Preparation Thoroughly review the company’s website Search for the person who will interview you or who you will be working under on LinkedIn Identify average industry salary for the position (+/- $10,000) and play dumb Emphasize your strengths and how you feel they would still give you (and them) an advantage regardless of the location Try to explain the reason you left from past positions in a way that makes them feel comfortable to hire you
Interview Etiquette and Attire (No, Jeans & Work boots Are NOT Acceptable!) Familiarize yourself with the location of interview in advance Wear a suit, no questions asked Turn off your cellphone Show up at least 15 minutes early Pay a compliment to the interviewers Do not cut people off during the interview Don’t ask for a drink, but don’t refuse if offered
The Interview Brief Introduction Ask a question: What need is the company looking to satisfy by filling this position? Present yourself, your skills and your experience as the perfect choice to fulfill the need (example) Answer any questions, concerns or objections they may have Ask them when they plan on making a decision
Closing Thoughts A winning resume is one that helps you to land a job interview, nothing more, nothing less. Hiring managers will typically scan your resume for 10 seconds and decide whether or not to do a more detailed review, so be sure your resume can gage their interest quickly. Your resume should be customized for every job you apply for.
Closing Thoughts Be honest throughout the job search process. You must build a strong presence and network on LinkedIn, and also leverage LinkedIn groups to find new opportunities. Do your research on a company prior to an interview and be prepared to discuss some aspects of their company/website.
Closing Thoughts Show up on time for your interview, dress appropriately, and turn your cell phone OFF. Be sure to ask a question about the specific duties of the job early on in the interview, so that you can present yourself as a perfect match. Ensure that you take your FE exam as soon as possible and seek to obtain engineering experience that will qualify towards the NY PE license
NYSSPE Student Resources
The New York State Society of Professional Engineers, Inc. 6 Airline Drive Albany, NY (518) Anthony Fasano, P.E. (518) Questions The New York State Society of Professional Engineers, Inc.