PROF.: MS. K. CASIMIR Week 8: “Media, Power and Money” 11/03/14
By the end of this session, student should be able to state their own dream and career plan for the future, types of media, favorite TV program, the news media in china, successful programs, grammar focus on preposition and reported speech, report on articles read, drills o linking and vocabulary. Students will participate in a small group discussions & make several talk in class. Listen to talks with discussions on capitalism and the social Media.
What does this mean?
In two weeks, Team 2 only
Talks for 2 minutes.
Please, f/u with your handout
People skills Emotional intelligence Social skills Vocational /technical skills IQ Natural talent
1. Start with the big picture of what you would like to do before you retire. 2. State why? 3. Then, how you plan to get there.
See your handout
See the list of questions for discussion. Take time to ask question and listen to one another.
See the list provided- page 2
Pair: Play the game: Errand Day. 1. Please use a coin to start-then follow your way. 2. Speak in complete sentences, stating where you are going and what you are going to do there and how long you will be there. You have 5 hours for this errand day!
TV shows in America and their critics What type of shows are they? Why were they successful? What are your favorite programs? Why do you think they are successful?
See the hand out
Share the article you have read with your team. Be ready t share in class.
Next week Quiz: Vocabulary for college and career and relationship and media and…. 10 mins.
Due Next class-Nov 17 th !!! You all have witnessed a murder that took place at RUC campus near teaching student building 2. What happened? Who were the people involved? How did the story end? Write a short story to report and reflect on that specific event to share in class. Preview the vocabulary list on music and musician. Write a dialogue to practice with your partner. Know everyone will share their dialogue with their teammates. Group 2 will share their dialogues to the whole class. I will not collect this dialogue. Be prepared to talk about your favorite instrument or musician/singer. If you have an instrument, bring it with you next session-- because we will be singing some Christmas songs in class. Quiz from the following vocabulary lists: Relationship, careers and dream and media, power and money..
ManagerMotivated /disciplined CEO Original /knowledgeable Banker/financial advisorPerceptive /innovative ChefResourceful /motivated ModelPassionate NurseDetermined PilotCurious MusicianPatient TeacherCurious DoctorDecisive LawyerInnovative Actor/actressKnowledgeable