Instructions for this Training Developed by the OFI Learning and Capacity Development Unit, Education and Training Services Section August 31, 2010 This.


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Presentation transcript:

Instructions for this Training Developed by the OFI Learning and Capacity Development Unit, Education and Training Services Section August 31, 2010 This is an automated training module designed to move through each slide automatically. No need to push buttons in the module.

Bustin’ a Move for 2011

In the most difficult economic environment DFCS has ever faced, you have worked hard. Applications have flooded our offices and caseloads have expanded. And you’ve done great work.

Once woefully error-prone, Georgia has moved up the national rankings to #7 RankingStateFFY 2010 Error Rate 1Delaware0.43% 2Alaska0.78% 3South Dakota1.43% 4Florida1.43% 5Wisconsin1.44% 6Illinois1.50% 7Georgia1.62% 8Mississippi1.64% 9Pennsylvania1.66% 10Texas1.94%

When called upon, you busted a move to make that happen. Thank you.

However, we are failing in one area – invalid denials. We are 49 th in the nation…and falling. Take a look at the following chart. Notice Georgia’s position nationally as well as where your own region stands. Take a look at the following chart. Notice Georgia’s position nationally as well as where your own region stands. This is serious. Specifically – in expedited applications

Negative Action Error Rate October to February 2009 ReadInvalid% Invalid % % % % % % % % Call Ctr % % % % % % % % State % The Negative Action Error Rate tracks the % of denials and closures that did not meet policy requirements. Georgia currently ranks 47th in the nation!

There’s another kind of bustin’ that has to happen. Take a look at the following excerpts from actual Quality Control readings. Let’s review – and learn from – our mistakes. We are making errors that are obvious, easy to avoid, and are simply uncalled for.

Quality Control finds this denial invalid as this Assistance Unit was not interviewed, was not given an appointment time and a NOMI was not issued. “Quality Control finds this denial invalid as this Assistance Unit was not interviewed, was not given an appointment time and a NOMI was not issued” Quality Control Referral – August 16, 2010 C’mon now. No appointment? No interview?! No Notice of Missed Interview? You’ve been…

WHAT WE SHOULD HAVE DONE 1 – Sent an appointment letter. 2 – Interviewed the applicant. 3 – Ensured a NOMI was sent via SUCCESS or manually. Pretty simple, right?

Quality Control finds this denial invalid as this Assistance Unit was not interviewed, was not given an appointment time and a NOMI was not issued. “The initial application was submitted on 2/4 and the Agency determined this case to be subject to expedited processing. The Agency scheduled the initial interview via telephone on 2/19, fifteen days after the application date. QC determined that the Agency failed to provide expedited services to an expedited household.” Quality Control Referral – August 16, 2010 Really? Fifteen days?! For an expedited application? Really? You’ve been…

WHAT WE SHOULD HAVE DONE 1 – Recognizing an expedited application, we should have scheduled the appointment immediately. 2 – Interviewed the applicant and completed the application within 7 days. E-a-s-y stuff.

Quality Control finds this denial invalid as this Assistance Unit was not interviewed, was not given an appointment time and a NOMI was not issued. “(Applicant) submitted an application for Food Stamps on 3/4. The AU was interviewed on 3/22. On the same date a Verification Checklist was given to the applicant …to verify earned income and citizenship. The county took the action to deny the case on 4/1 for failure to provide verification. (Applicant) listed $0 in income and $0 in shelter expenses on the application. Based on information on the application the Assistance Unit was eligible for expedited processing. The interview was not offered within the expedited processing timeframe…and the negative action is found to be INVALID.” Quality Control Referral – August 16, 2010 No income. No expenses. A no-brainer expedited application. You’ve been…

WHAT WE SHOULD HAVE DONE 1 – Look at the income & expense figures. 2 – Recognize this as an expedited application. 3 – Accept client statement for everything except ID. 4 – Approve the application month. 5 – Postpone all verification until the following month. This is Expedited Processing 101.

Quality Control finds this denial invalid as this Assistance Unit was not interviewed, was not given an appointment time and a NOMI was not issued. “Case analysis showed that the initial application was submitted on 9/1 and the Agency scheduled the initial interview for 9/14, thirteen days after the application date. The application showed total household income of $872 and total household expenses of $930 which exceeded the household’s income and qualified the household for expedited service. Quality Control determined that the Agency’s action was invalid, because it failed to provide expedited service to an expedited eligible household.” Quality Control Referral – February 22, 2010 $930 in expenses. $872 in income. You do the math. 930 is more than 872. This is expedited! Recognize it. Get it completed. You’ve been…

WHAT WE SHOULD HAVE DONE 1 – Look at the income & expense figures. 2 – Recognizing an expedited application, we should have scheduled the appointment immediately. 3 – Interviewed the applicant and completed within 7 days. Taking their statement is the RIGHT WORK. And it is POLICY!

Quality Control finds this denial invalid as this Assistance Unit was not interviewed, was not given an appointment time and a NOMI was not issued. “Applicant applied for Food Stamp benefits on 11/16 and was interviewed on 11/17. (Applicant) was given verification checklist on 11/17 requesting verification of denial letter from unemployment office…, statement from landlord, proof of closure of all (out-of-state) cases. (Applicant) returned all requested verification with the exception of proof that her unemployment benefits were denied… (Applicant’s) Food Stamp case was denied on 12/16 for failure to return requested information. Quality Control has determined that the negative action taken was invalid. (Applicant) was eligible for expedited processing. (Applicant’s) statement should have been accepted…(and the application) should have been certified…” Quality Control Referral – April 23, 2010 It is expedited! Take their statement! Get the Food Stamps to them. Don’t make it hard for yourself or the families we serve. Otherwise, you know what this means… You’ve really been…

WHAT WE SHOULD HAVE DONE 1 – Accept client statement for everything except ID. 2 – Approve the application month. 3 – Postpone all verification until the following month. Again, everyday expedited processing.

And there are more. Still others for failure to recognize eligible student status or to apply TCOS policy correctly and so on. Others have been denied before the 10 day verification due date. A lot of these errors involve expedited application processing, but some of these easy-to-avoid errors occur in unexpedited cases as well. Some applications have been denied without any documentation on the NARR screen.

More importantly, it affects the well-being of the families who have been denied badly needed benefits. This is significant. It’s happening all over the state. So millions of dollars are at stake. Dollars = Jobs With improvement in this area, the State of Georgia can earn Federal bonus money.

And these mistakes are EASY to avoid. and you have… If you can accurately approve cases day-in and day- out… then you can avoid these errors too.

With COMPASS, the families we serve have an application process that offers accessibility and efficiency. And that is good news. COMPASS is our future. COMPASS is now! COMPASS is efficient and accurate. WE need to be efficient and accurate. Yes, COMPASS has generated more applications and more work. But we need to respond with efficiency and accuracy. We need to bust a move.

Don’t hesitate. Do the right work the right way right now. To further assist you, training sessions will begin in September. These sessions will help you recognize expedited applications, complete expedited applications correctly, and avoid processing invalid application denials of any type.

Best Practices to Avoid Invalid Denials With each application, carefully review the application date and the reported income, resources, and expenses to check for expedited status. Process immediately, if expedited. COMPASS screens for expedited applications for us. If a case appears on the WALI screen as expedited, then process as expedited immediately. Before you deny an application, think. If it’s an expedited application, can we approve? If it’s unexpedited, check the SOP and look at the verification. You might have what you need to approve. Document all of your actions. If a case is eligible for expedited services, document WHY.

Best Practices to Avoid Invalid Denials As you finalize the case on SUCCESS, make sure you have used the correct disposition codes, that the MISC screen is coded appropriately as expedited or unexpedited, and that a notice is being issued. Make sure a Notice of Missed Interview has been sent when an unexpedited application appointment has not been met. If you are unsure about the policy, refer to ODIS. Consult with your supervisor, if necessary. Leave no question or concern unanswered.

Most Importantly… You, the case manager, have accomplished a lot of excellent work and the numbers have proven that. Your efforts ARE greatly appreciated. But there is much work to be done to reach our goals. You are very busy and there is much at stake. Let’s do better than good. Let’s be the best. Let’s be most improved in the nation. Let’s serve the people of Georgia well. Let’s not get BUSTED. Let’s bust a move!

Your training is complete Please be sure to notify your supervisor that you have completed this training. Your supervisor may discuss this training with you and the other staff during a unit meeting or conference. Thank you again.