Delaware State Housing Authority 2014 NCSHA Annual Conference Delaware State Housing Authority 18 The Green Dover, DE (302) (888) Section 811 and Other Ways to Create Housing Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities
Overview Section 811 PRA Demo Program: Where We Are Existing Programs New initiatives SRAP-DOE Pilot QAP Special Populations set aside Statewide approach to supportive housing
Section 811 PRA Demo Program: Delaware’s Experience One of 13 Grantee states awarded funding through FY2012 application $5.1 million initial 5-year allocation Expected to create 150 units of project-based assistance for nonelderly persons with disabilities Intended for existing construction Cooperative Agreement with HUD signed July 2014
Section 811: Intention to Participate Process First step in securing existing units Streamlined one-page form Distributed via to property managers and owners in June 2014 Internal review to determine suitability of properties/units 86 existing units approved by review panel 48 units currently under construction/rehab (expected completion 2016) 134 units total
Section 811: Intention to Participate Process Next steps (before executing RACs): Ensure referral system is in place Other program requirements to be approved by HUD (i.e. Affirmative Fair Housing Outreach Plan) New units to come on board via 2014 QAP Ongoing outreach to property managers Increase/decrease number of units to set aside More balanced geographic distribution among three counties
Section 811: Referral System building online referral system PAIR: Prescreening, Assessment, Intake, Referral Interface with Series of questions determines placement on “Referral” List DHSS to determine priorities based on Department goals Applicants select location preference by city
Section 811: Referral System DSHA will manage “Referral” List Confirm eligibility/interest of applicants Refer 5 applicants at one time to property with available unit Eventual incorporation of other programs as separate modules SRAP QAP Special Populations set-side
Existing Programs
State Rental Assistance Program (SRAP) Partnership between DSHA, DHSS, DSCYF Tenant-based rental subsidies provided by DSHA to DHSS and DSCYF clients Targeted populations: Clients exiting state-supported and privately run long-term care facilities Clients exiting the Delaware Psychiatric Center Clients at-risk of unnecessary institutionalization Youth exiting foster care Families for whom the lack of affordable housing is a barrier to reunification
SRAP Agency Roles DSHA Client Partnering State Agency Landlord Issue voucher Provide: Application assistance Transition assistance Continuing supportive services Track: Cost information Pay rental subsidy
SRAP Funding FY2011: SRAP funded at $1.5 million from the Delaware General Assembly FY2012: funding increased to $3 million FY : continued funding at $3 million; Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH) supplemental funding specifically reserved for Olmstead Settlement target population
SRAP Successes Program production as of 10/3/2014: Applications received (to date) Applications in process Vouchers issued Units leased DHSS (non-DSAMH) SRAP DSAMH DSAMH II DSCYF - Youth DSCYF - Families TOTAL
SRAP Successes Partnerships with sister state agencies Meeting target goals defined by Settlement Agreement with USDOJ Recognition & Accolades Governor’s Team Excellence Finalist (2011) NCSHA (2013) COSCDA (2014) Foundation for statewide approach to supportive housing
New Initiatives
SRAP-DOE Pilot 2013: DSHA and Department of Education (DOE) agreed to extend SRAP assistance to families in the education system identified as homeless DSHA set aside $1 million in SRAP reserve funds Funds expected to create approximately month rental subsidies for families referred 2014: Christina School District selected as District in which to pilot program
SRAP-DOE Requirements Applications submitted through the school Homeless Liaison Must meet Homeless Requirements Must reside within CSD boundaries Must have a student registered in CSD Applications reviewed by 5-person CSD Housing Committee
SRAP-DOE Progress Program officially launched September 7, Homeless Liaisons trained by DSHA As of 10/18/2014: 10 applications submitted 5 vouchers issued
QAP Special Populations Set-Aside 2014 QAP mandatory 5% set-aside 3 bonus points for Section 811 participation Special Populations include: Persons with disabilities Persons with HIV/AIDS Survivors of domestic violence Persons who are literally or imminently homeless Youth exiting foster care All referrals must be 40% AMI or less
QAP Special Populations Set-Aside Property must accept applicants referred through DSHA-established system (PAIR) Incorporated as separate “module” List of questions, priorities expanded Prescreening to determine waiting list placement (Section 811/QAP/both) New system users granted access (i.e. homeless service providers)
Thank You! Matthew Heckles Director of Housing Finance Delaware State Housing Authority 18 The Green Dover, Delaware Telephone: Fax: Toll Free: