Professional Support Unit Wales The Smart Choice Medical Training/Careers in Wales
Specialty Professional Support Leads Professional Support Policy Faculty Development Postgraduate Centres Specialty Specific Trainers / Trainees E-learning Modules (Plato) Ready access to advice Professional Support Unit
Total Cases Total Closed Cases 419 PSU Active Cases 159 (>5%) Current ISP Referrals 52 Positive Outcomes90% Training number removed31 PSU Referrals
Referrals by Year and Gender
Most Referred Specialties - Total
Most Referred Specialties - Current
What do we find?
Workload Lack sleep Poor diet Poor fitness Exposure illness/suffering Patients demanding Scrutiny Why?
Perfectionist Need control Need to please Stoic Dedicated Self doubt Caretaker Emotionally remote Personal
Strained relationships Financial – debt Personal interests Social pressure Misuse of substances Social
Not punitive Supportive Confidential Impartial advice Challenging Referral to PSU
Self referral Referral from Supervisor / College tutor Referral following negative ARCP Referral following GMC referral Copied to referrer Copied to Professional Support Lead Referrals
General confidential advice trainees/trainers Repeated exam failure Help with educational plan Disability & Adjustments Occupational Health Referral Careers LTFT Referral to ISP PSU Support
Cardiff University Referral by Professional Support Unit Confidential Assessment Personality Psychological assessment Communication Remediation Individual Support Programme
Cautions & any convictions must be disclosed on any application form to any new employer i.e. new rotation Danger of internet social networks! Warning!
Professional Support Unit Dr Sally Davies, Sub Dean, Professional Support Leona Walsh, PSU Manager, Support Dr Melanie Jones, Associate Dean, Careers & LTFT Sally Blake, PSU Manager, Careers /17/85 Questions?