Case Study - Background Emily (4) resides with Mum and Dad and younger sibling Rees, aged 2 years old. Referral: Stepped down from Children’s Social Care following domestic violence. History: Domestic Violence incidences between Mum and Dad. Dad being the perpetrator. Dad has history or poor physical and mental health. Mum and Dad reported of concerns around Emily’s behaviours and development. Risks were reduced and closed to CAF to continue with support for Emily.
Identified Support Needs Sharon and Dave Dave has poor physical and mental health. Dave addicted to prescription drugs Housing issues with private landlord Finance issues. Parent’s struggling with Emily’s behaviours. Emily Difficulties with social and communication difficulties. Issues with sleep and challenging behaviours at home and in Nursery. Not making progress in early years education.
Intervention Home visit to gather further information around needs. Regular Multi-agency meetings and liaising with agencies Referrals to the following: Domestic Violence intervention referral Woodview Speech and Language Children’s Centre and access to activities Plus Dane Shap for Housing and benefit support. Adult Mental Health Services Application for Education, Health and Care Plan. Parenting and play support offered by Early Help Officer from Children’s Centre Application for white goods through charity organisations.
Outcomes No further reported Domestic Violence incidences Family have moved to a more suitable property. Dad now addressing his mental health difficulties. Emily has been assessed by Woodview and now on ASD Pathway Emily has received physiotherapy intervention. Emily’s speech has developed through the PEX aids delivered by Speech and Language and Nursery. Emily has now been accepted for an Education Health and Care Plan. Emily has explored specialised provision for September. Parents feel they can manage Emily’s behaviours more effectively. Family are now in receipt of correct benefits. Family have now got a bed and cooker