1 “The trouble with the future is that it usually arrives before we’re ready for it.” Arnold H. Glasow
2 Typical Timeline for Research Project Grant Application (R01) – Submit in February(June, October) – Review in June – July(October, February) – Council in September (January, May) – Earliest award December (April, July) Cycle Cycle Cycle Three overlapping cycles per year:
3 Jan, May, Sept 10: Institutional Training Grant Applications Jan, May, Sept 25: AREA Feb, June, Oct 1: New Research Applications Mar, July, Nov 1: Revised, Competing Continuations, and Supplemental Applications April, Aug, Dec 1: SBIR/STTR April, Aug, Dec 5: Individual NRSA Applications Mechanism Receipt Dates Vary by Mechanism
5 Overall Timeframe: Submission to Award There are three overlapping cycles per year : JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL ReviewCouncil Cycle 1 Receipt Referral Award Review Council Cycle 3 Receipt Referral Award Review Council Cycle 2 Receipt Award Referral
6 There is no grantsmanship that will turn a bad idea into a good one, but… There are many ways to disguise a good one. William Raub, Past Deputy Director, NIH
7 When Preparing an Application Read instructions Never assume that reviewers “will know what you mean” Refer to literature thoroughly State rationale of proposed investigation Include well-designed tables and figures Present an organized, lucid write-up Obtain pre-review from faculty at your institution
11 Applications Submitted to NIH Approximately 78,000 grant applications are submitted to NIH each year, of which < 20% are funded Competing grant applications are received for three review cycles per year
12 Sample Application Number Individual Serial Amended Research Number Grant 1 R01 HD A1 New Child Grant Application Health Support Institute Year