Annual Report 2003 Power Point Presentation
Mechanics of merging data
Number of entries in the database
The growth of the database (n=2,742)
Number of entries by centre
Period of data collection by centre
VTE diagnosis rate by centre (n= 2,361)
Number of entries by centre (n=2,742)
Age and disease
Age distribution for all cases (n= 2,734)
Age distribution for patients with VTE (n=558)
Age distribution by final diagnosis for patients with VTE (n=558)
Age and gender for non-VTE patients
Age and gender distribution for non- VTE patients (n=1,795)
Age and gender patients with VTE
Age and gender for patients with VTE (n=558)
Number of risk factors and diagnosis
Number of risk factors for patients with VTE (n=430)
VTE and non-VTE final diagnosis by the number of risk factors (n=1,868)
Number of risk factors and history of VTE in patients with current VTE
History of VTE amongst patients with current VTE (n=430)
Number of risk factors and age in patients with VTE
Number of risk factors by age in patients with VTE (n=427)
Number of risk factors and gender in patients with VTE
Number of risk factors by gender in patients with VTE (n=430)
Recent major surgery in patients with VTE
Recent major surgery in patients with VTE (n=522)
Recent major surgery by specialty in patients with VTE
Specialty for VTE patients who have undergone recent major surgery (n=45)
Recent medical inpatient – stay in patients with VTE
Recent medical inpatient- stay in patients with VTE (n=535)
Final diagnosis of VTE in surgical and medical inpatients
Cancer in patients with VTE according to centre
Cancer in patients with VTE (n=545)
Cancer in patients with VTE by age and gender
Cancer in patients with VTE by age and gender (n=542)
Cancer in female patients with VTE by age (n=268)
Cancer in male patients with VTE by age (n=274)
Long-distance travel in patients with VTE
History of long-distance travel by the number of risk factors in patients with VTE (n=430)
D-dimer result and final diagnosis
Final diagnosis by D-dimer result (n=1,795)
DVT pre-test probability and final diagnosis
Final diagnosis by DVT pre-test probability (n=1,314)
DVT pre-test probability and D-dimer result
D-dimer result by DVT pre-test probability (n=993)
D-dimer result, DVT pre-test probability and final diagnosis
Final diagnosis by D-dimer result and DVT pre-test probability (n=912)
PE pre-test probability and final diagnosis of PE
Final diagnosis by PE pre-test probability (n=1,351)
Cancer, D-dimer result and pre-test probability
D-dimer result in the context of cancer
Final diagnosis by D-dimer result and DVT pre-test probability for patients who had cancer (n=83)
Suitability for home treatment
Suitability for home treatment by final diagnosis (n=551)
Use of LMWH
Use of LMWH therapy by final diagnosis
Duration of LMWH therapy in patients with VTE
Duration of LMWH therapy in patients with VTE (n=406)
Time to therapeutic INR
Time to therapeutic INR patients with VTE (n=349)
Time to therapeutic INR in patients with VTE (n=349)
Duration of LMWH therapy and time to therapeutic INR in patients with VTE (n=341)
What do Bayes tables do?
ROC curve for a general Bayesian risk model designed to predict DVT diagnoses (n=2,361)
Calibration plot for the general model (n=2,361)
Risk-adjusted funnel plot on DVT diagnosis rate using the general Bayesian model as the predictor of risk (n=2,361)
Funnel plot on DVT diagnosis rate (n=2,361)
Calibration plot for specific model 1 – low DVT diagnosis rate hospital model (n=981)
Calibration plot for specific model 2 – average diagnosis rate hospital model (n=1,302)
Funnel plot on DVT diagnosis rate (n=2,283)
Risk adjusted funnel plot on DVT diagnosis rate using the specific Bayesian models as the predictors of risk (n = 2,283)
Calculation by computer