SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CANCER IN SOUTH AFRICA Vikash Sewram Oncology Research Unit Medical Research Council P.O. Box Overport, 4091, South Africa
building a healthy nation through research Mid Year Population Estimates: 2010 (StatsSA)
building a healthy nation through research MRC AND SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL CANCER REGISTRY NCR reports cancers diagnosed by the histology, haematology and cytology laboratories in South Africa. The NCR is a voluntary cancer notification system receiving copies of pathology reports from public and private laboratories nationally. Cancer Registries in SA are not established under any law or legal framework. This impacts on the regularity of reporting and the promptness of the reporting Timelines in providing information to the registry is not enforceable.
building a healthy nation through research MRC providing leadership role in improving data systems 9 th July 2010 – NCR Technical Committee set up with Prof V. Sewram (Director, Oncology Research Unit, MRC) providing leadership. Establishment of NCR Data Management System Current system – Printing of reports then manual entry in excel (extremely time consuming) -
building a healthy nation through research To provide a data management system that would increase the efficiency with which data is collected, managed and reported on. Annually reporting of data Addressing of backlog on retrospective data 1.Refine Data capture screen (15 October 2010) 2.Create database and test for user acceptance (15 November 2010) 3.Autocoding / Validation (February 2011) 4.Interfacing with private pathology laboratories 5.Goal for NCR to report 2009 – 2010 data by end Parallel system to minimise backlog and report on 2003 – 2008 data