Functional Team
Cross-functional team 1 Cross-functional team
Cross-functional team 1 A cross-functional team is a group of people with different functional expertise working toward a common goal. It may include people from finance, marketing, operations, and human resources departments. Typically, it includes employees from all levels of an organization. Members may also come from outside an organization (in particular, from suppliers, key customers, or consultants).
Cross-functional team 1 Cross-functional teams often function as self-directed teams responding to broad, but not specific directives. Decision making within a team may depend on consensus, but often is led by a manager/coach/team leader.
Cross-functional team - Effects 1 The growth of self-directed cross- functional teams has influenced decision- making processes and organizational structures. Although management theory likes to propound that every type of organizational structure needs to make strategic, tactical, and operational decisions, new procedures have started to emerge that work best with teams.
Cross-functional team - Greater scope of information 1 Cross-functional teams require a wide range of information to reach their decisions. They need to draw on information from all parts of an organization’s information base. This includes information from all functional departments. System integration becomes important because it makes all information accessible through a single interface.
Cross-functional team - Greater depth of information 1 Cross-functional teams require information from all levels of management
Cross-functional team - Greater range of users 1 Technical, financial, marketing, and all other types of information must come in a form that all members of a cross-functional team can understand
Cross-functional team - Less goal dominated 1 Today many firms have started to opt for a less structured, more interactive approach. One way of implementing this involves using self-directed cross-functional teams. Proponents hope that these teams will develop strategies that will re-define industries and create new “best practice”. They think that incremental improvements do not suffice.
Cross-functional team - Less goal dominated 1 Cross-functional teams, using unstructured techniques and searching for revolutionary competitive advantages, allegedly require information systems featuring increased interactivity, more flexibility, and the capability of dealing with fuzzy logic. Artificial Intelligence may one day be useful in this aspect.
Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium - Functional teams 1 'Functional Teams (FTs) implement the technical roadmap of the Consortium by focusing on specific technical elements that lead to netcentricity. The teams and their associated working groups are coordinated through a Technical Council, composed of the leaders of each Functional Team.'
Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium - Functional teams 1 *Helps to integrate the efforts and promote the deliverables of NCOIC Functional Teams for the accomplishment of NCOIC goals.
CIA transnational anti-terrorism activities - Virtual station and cross-functional team research 1 The overall problems of stovepiping and encouraging cross-functional teams, in the context of terrorism, has been addressed, among other groups, by the House Intelligence Committee. One of their chief recommendations was:
Cross functional team 1 A 'cross-functional team' is a group of people with different functional expertise working toward a common goal.Krajewski, L
Cross functional team 1 Cross-functional teams can be likened to the board of directors of a company
Cross functional team - Greater scope of information 1 This increases the efficiency of a cross- functional team by reducing time spent gathering information.
For More Information, Visit: m/the-functional-team- toolkit.html m/the-functional-team- toolkit.html The Art of Service