OCR Computing GCSE © Hodder Education 2013 Slide 1 OCR GCSE Computing Python programming 12: A few other things
OCR Computing GCSE © Hodder Education 2013 Slide 2 Python 12: A few other things You now have the basic understanding of how to handle programming in Python. You can take it as far as you like. Remember that Python has lots of add-on modules that make all sorts of programming easier. Take a look at
OCR Computing GCSE © Hodder Education 2013 Slide 3 Python 12: A few other things import turtle def shape(line_length): turtle.forward(line_length) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(line_length) turtle.right(90) turtle.title("An example of using a formal argument") turtle.pencolor("green") turtle.pensize(4) for i in range(21): shape(30+10*i) turtle.hideturtle() turtle.mainloop()
OCR Computing GCSE © Hodder Education 2013 Slide 4 Python 12: A few other things In the OCR GCSE Computing book that goes with this Dynamic Learning resource, there is a program that generates a Fibonacci sequence. Here is a program that uses output from that to draw a shape. You will notice that it resembles a biological shape – the shell of a Nautilus mollusc. Fibonacci sequences can generate many natural shapes. #fibonacci drawing import turtle a, b, n = 0, 1, 300 while a < n: print (a), turtle.forward (a) turtle.right (45) a, b = b, a+b
OCR Computing GCSE © Hodder Education 2013 Slide 5 Python 12: A few other things There is a graphics module called tkinter that lets you use a full graphical interface for your input and output. Try developing some graphics programs. You will need to start graphics programs with: import tkinter window=tkinter.Tk() Look up some examples online to get started.