INTRODUCTION The objective of this project is to identify genes that have been differently expressed between recurrent and non-recurrent prostate cancer tumors and to use different ways of calculating gene expressions.
BACKGROUND ON PROSTATE CANCER What is prostate cancer? Prostate cancer is the abnormal growth of cell (tumors) in the tissues of the prostate gland “ the Prostate gland is a small walnut shaped organ that lies just below a mans bladder”. Figure below represents a normal prostate gland.
PROSTATE TUMORS This figures shows when there is a prostate tumor in your prostate gland. After this stage you go to the doctor to have the tumor removed, after it is removed then our work comes in.
OUR WORK The main question we are trying to answer is the factors that influence cancer recurrences. To answer this question, we rely on the methods of Biostatistics. What is Statistics? Statistics explores the collection, organization, analysis, and interpretation of numerical data. When the focus of statistics is on biological or medical science it is called biostatistics.
GENE EXPRESSION DATA In this project we are going to compare gene expressions in recurrent and non-recurrent patients, using two computer programs: Microsoft Excel and the R Statistical Package. We will use the t-test statistic to compare the gene expressions. The data available to us consists of the expression levels of more than 44,000 genes from each of 37 recurrent patients and 42 non- recurrent patients.
GENE EXPRESSION DATA CONTINUES Gene expressions are obtained using the HU133A and the HU133B affymetrix oligonucleotide arrays ( ). Each array consists of approximately 22,000 genes or probes. The methods for processing patients RNA and obtaining data from oligonucleotide arrays are described in the summer project report of Ms. Christina Wassel (2001).
Recurrent/Non-Recurrence Patients Recurrent Prostate Cancer Patients are patients that have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and after the tumor is removed, there are occurrences of the cancer after some time. Non-Recurrent Prostate Cancer Patients are patients that after the tumor is removed, there are no occurrences of the cancer.
Acknowledgements Dr. Sats Dr. Jaya Satagopan. Harlem children society MSKCC And the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at MSKCC.