My name is Angel. I’m 11 years old. I’m in fifth grade.
My Family That lives with me Anthony and matthew Destany and autumn Mom and dad.
My favorite things Flowers Family dolls
house I live in a apartment. My apartment looks like a haunted house.
animal My favorite animals are cats,dogs,and turtles.
Subject I like math and social studies in school.
Book My favorite book is called The Dead End by Mimi McCoy.
hobby My hobby is drawing pictures. Everyday I draw for my family.
music The music I listen to is pop and rap. My favorite singers are the king of pop and 50 cent.
T.v. show My favorite t.v. show is Jessie, big time rush,and victorious.
Places I want to go to Places I want to go to are a big time rush concert and a mindless behavior concert.
What I want to be when I grow up I want to be a teacher when I grow up.
My favorite color are the colors of fire.