Kindergarten 2008
Circle Tt B t H b t O p C h kL T h D T
Draw a line from the uppercase letter to the lowercase letter. ThPbOdGtBcHgCpDoThPbOdGtBcHgCpDo
Circle the Tt’s 1) The tiny turtle turned around. 2) I’ve lost ten teeth. 3) The tooth fairy left me a toy. 4) Tracy is in the terrible twos. 5) Today, I played table tennis.
What begins with Tt? Tie
What begins with Tt? Trout
What begins with Tt? Horns
What begins with Tt? tennis
What begins with Tt? tadpole
What begins with Tt? tadpole
What begins with Tt? Telling time clock
Begins with… B T C
Tt The Letter T