How to Draw a Tree L-Systems in Computer Graphics Steven Janke
Natural Trees
Tree Shapes
Euclidean Geometry Approach
Self-Similarity of Organic Forms
Computation = Processing Strings Input: Output: aababccacabb adfeeefg Computer Interpretation: 00110010 00101011 00110011 00110101 2 + 3 5
Alphabet of characters. L-System (Named after biologist Astrid Lindemayer in 1970’s) Alphabet of characters. First string called the axiom. Set of productions showing how to replace characters. All appropriate productions applied at once. Example: Alphabet: {a, b} Axiom: ab Productions: a bab , b a Derivation: ab baba abababab
Languages: L(G) = set of strings that can be derived from the system G. Example 1: Axiom: ab Productions: a a b ab ab aab aaab aaaab L(G) = { an b | n > 0 } Example 2: Axiom: a Productions: a b b ab a b ab bab abbab bababbab L(G) = ?
Languages: L(G) = set of strings that can be derived from the system G. Example 1: Axiom: ab Productions: a a b ab ab aab aaab aaaab L(G) = { an b | n > 0 } Example 2: Axiom: a Productions: a b b ab a b ab bab abbab bababbab L(G) = { s | s0 = a, s1 = b, sn = sn-2 sn-1 }
Turtle Interpretation: Simple L-System: Alphabet: { F, +, - } Axiom: F-F-F-F Production: F FF Turtle Interpretation: F means draw a line segment in current direction. + means turn left. - means turn right. Start Initial direction F-F-F-F means: Delta = 90 degrees
Branching L-Systems: Add two characters to alphabet: [ and ] Interpret [ to mean “start branch”. Interpret ] to mean “end branch”. F[+F][-F] means: Initial Direction Start Delta = 45 degrees
Turtles in 3D: + = left turn - = right turn & = pitch down Head Up + = left turn - = right turn & = pitch down ^ = pitch up / = roll right \ = roll left
Growth Functions: F(k) = length of the kth word in the derivation sequence. Example: a aa Axiom: a F(k) = 2k a abcc b bcc c c Axiom: a a abcc abccbcccc abccbccccbcccccc 1 4 9 16 F(k) = k2 F(
Growth Functions: G: a b b ab Axiom: b ak = number of a’s at iteration k. bk = number of b’s at iteration k. 0 1 1 1 ak bk ak+1 bk+1 = Theorem: Every growth function for an L-system is a linear combination of terms that are polynomials times exponential functions. Problem: Plants usually grow according to a logistic (or sigmoidal) function.
Parametric L-Systems: Axiom: A(3) A(x) : x<5 B(x+1)A(x*r) B(y) : * F(y)[+F(y/2)][-F(y/2)] Interpretation: F(x) means draw a segment of length x. +(x) means turn left x degrees.
Developmental model using signals:
L-System Extensions: Gravity - pull on branches. Phyllotaxis - angle and position of branches. Phototropism - towards the light. Self-Organizing - branch into free spaces. Implementation: At each iteration, interpret the string and then decide based on the geometry and environment how to apply productions for the next iteration.
Colonization Algorithm: (Runions, Lane, and Prusinkiewicz 2007)
Colonization Algorithm:
Self-Organization Algorithm: (Palubicki 2009)
Self-Organization Algorithm:
Equivalence: G1: a bb b a Axiom: b b a bb aa bbbb G2: a b b aa Axiom: a a b aa bb aaaa L(G1) = L(G2) Is there an algorithm for determining if two L-Systems are equivalent?
Connection between Languages and Machines Recursively Enumerable Context Sensitive Context Free Regular L-Systems
Iterated Function System: