Challenges and Opportunities East Midlands Public Health Summit 17 th June 2014 Rowena Clayton Deputy Director – Workforce PHE Midlands and East 1ME EM PHW Summit June
PHE Midlands & East One Region & 4 Centres working with 4 HEE LETBs, 8 NHSE Area Teams & 35 LAs PHE Region: Professional leadership and support to PH system incl joint appt of DsPH, revalidation & professional guidance and leadership. PHE Centres: Development of the specialist and wider PH workforce to support LAs on PH workforce and manage PHE relationship with LETBs. 2ME EM PHW Summit June Midlands and East Region
PH System – Who is the Workforce Diverse PH workforce core or with bearing on PH: –Vary but mappable to PH Skills & Knowledge Framework (NB may be very senior in own roles) 3ME EM PHW Summit June Midlands and East Region WorkforceLevel Higher specialist/senior manager levels: eg DsPH, consultants & specialists, some academics, analysts, scientists, dental, commissioners 8/9 Practitioner levels: eg PH practitioners (& advanced), PH nurses (HVs, SNs), EHOs; 5/7 Wider PH workforce: eg Health trainers, advocates, champions in communities and services 1/4
Where are we in PHE Mids & East Arrangements in PHE for workforce: –ME Dep Dir & 3 WF Dev Mgrs (2wte) for 4 Centres –Various PH workforce networks Workforce – bare bones M&E data: –DsPH: 33 LAs had a DPH with 2 vacancies –Specialist training: WM 8, EM 6, EoE 6 – all filled –Consultants: own count & revalidation data LA (74 medical, 71 non-medical) PHE (54 medical, 6 non-medical) Academics (39) – Practitioners: at least 100 nationally of which 30 WM –Analyst and nurse data – in progress 4ME EM PHW Summit June Midlands and East Region
Challenges Long standing issues include: –Agreed PHWF typology and count for planning –Career framework across PH –Consistent standards & regulation across PH professions –Practitioner development - unequal access –Development of specialised staff And add the challenges of PH re-organisation: –LA different environment, culture, –Maintaining integrated PH (HI/HP/HC) – drift & barriers –Developing capability to meet challenges - leadership & management 5ME EM PHW Summit June Midlands and East Region
Opportunities PH access to the corporate LA body – great potential for influence, System leadership initiatives showing impact of multi- professional teams – new breadth and depth to PH for places and communities, PH now positioned across key agencies – identity & reach transcends organisational boundaries. Access to each other – we need to use it, Huge opportunity to sort out the longstanding problems, Development of the whole workforce in an integrated way, and Strategic shake-up – LGA, PHE, HEE, FPH etc getting aligned in ways not seen before. 6ME EM PHW Summit June Midlands and East Region