Elizabeth Riddell Dancing with Technology: Cultivating Presences Through Distributed Movement Practice Socially Relevant Computing REU at UNC Charlotte Human-Computer Interaction Lab Advisor: Celine Latulipe, PhD
AGA Collaborative ~ Amanda, Gretchen and Alison performing Turtle Crow
Why Dance Matters?
Project Goal ~ Methodology ~ To explore the challenges and opportunities of using technology in distributed movement practice. - Analyze interviews - Draw conclusions - Determine social relevance - Propose possibilities for future design
- Spatial relationship Challenges with Google Hangouts ~ - Depth perception - Visual orientation
- Performance level Opportunities ~ - Decision making - Productivity - Awareness - Presence
How can I be in two places at once?
AGA Collaborative presents: And How to be in Two Places at Once
Challenges and Opportunities ~ Have we created a mixed reality? The possibilities are endless … - Automatically opening applications - Ability to connect with the audience on a new level
Video Interaction and Dance in Education Dance Tutorials via Video Interaction Dancing Statistics Principles Break Dance Tutorial
Questions? Acknowledgements - Celine Latulipe, PhD Thanks to the REU program and program coordinators. - Members of AGA Collaborative