Branch Interest in Native American Research: Child Development & Behavior Branch Peggy McCardle, PhD, MPH
2 Child Development & Behavior Branch ublications/pubs/council_d b_2004/index.cfm
Child Development & Behavior Branch Social & Affective Development, Child Maltreatment & Violence Developmental Cognitive Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience, & Psychobiology Pediatric Behavior & Health Promotion Reading, Writing & Related Learning Disabilities Language, Bilingualism & Biliteracy Development Early Learning & School Readiness Math & Science, Cognition & Learning 3
4 Reading Networks Learning Disability Research Centers Biliteracy Research Network Adult Literacy Research Network* # Adolescent Literacy Research Network* School Readiness Consortium* + $ Measurement Development Consortium* + Co-funding by * ED, # NIFL, + ACF, $ ASPE
5 English Language Learning Language & Literacy: Major Issues Optimal instructional methods Basis for choosing language(s) Sequence and timing of languages, links between oral language and literacy Instruction/ intervention, for which children/ individuals, under what conditions By which teachers/ professionals (background/training, language abilities/ bilingual skills)
6 National Symposium on Learning Disabilities in English Language Learners, Oct Co-sponsored by the NICHD, US Dept of Ed (OELA, OSERS) & these associations: AFT, ASHA, CEC, IDA, IRA, NCLD, & NEA Summary Document Special issue of Learning Disabilities Research & Practice (Jan 2005)
7 Native American Students as ELL Improving Academic Performance Among American Indian, Alaska Native, & Native Hawaiian Students: Assessment & Identification of Learning & Learning Disabilities, March & August, 2005 Multiple cosponsors: NICHD, WWU, OELA, OSERS, ETS, IRA, ASHA. Summary Document: native_american_learning_2005.pdf
8 Vol 45, #2 (Programs & Practice); Vol 45, #3 (Research)
9 Research on language and reading: Effective methods of language and reading instruction (including Culture Based Ed.) Intervention effectiveness in language, reading, and other education-related developmental areas Impact of heritage language/ language revitalization programs on educational attainment, motivation, and community cohesion
10 Research Focus Areas: Measurement - culturally appropriate, to measure all areas of child development and to identify learning disabilities Development or adaptation of research methodologies Interdisciplinary research to link health and development
11 Research Priorities in our “Blueprint” Increasing the number of Native American researchers. Increasing the extent to which research on Native students is community-based, participatory research… And ensuring the inclusion of a variety (and where possible a combination) of research methodologies. Defining, examining, and addressing the achievement gap. Examining the effectiveness of culture-based education in comparison to existing instruction. Focusing on early childhood development.
12 The Blueprint calls for careful, rigorous, research of all types, to address the many important issues that underlie educational performance in American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian students. From ethnographic studies to neurobiological studies of the brain-behavior link. Development of theories, measures, and methods. Collaborations across disciplines, and across cultures. Respectful of the rights of individuals but also designed and conducted with respect for the traditions, culture, and priorities of Native communities
For More Information See… or contact Peggy McCardle, PhD, MPH 13