TORNADOES By: Jacob Ritz
WHAT IS A TORNADO? A tornado is rotating funnel of air that is very violent. It goes from a thunderstorm to the ground.
HOW DOES A TORNADO FORM ? Most tornadoes form from thunderstorms. When warm moist air from the South and cool dry air from the North mix together, they form a tornado. Different wind directions, temperatures, wind speeds and the height of the wind make the air rotate. When the funnel of spinning wind touches the ground, it is a tornado.
WHEN AND WHERE IS A TORNADO LIKELY TO HAPPEN? Tornadoes can happen anytime of the year and in just about every location. They are most likely to form in Tornado Alley, which stretches from Texas to Minnesota.
WHAT KIND OF DAMAGE CAN OCCUR? Tornadoes can cause much damage. They can take down houses, trees and power lines. They can also throw vehicles like a stick. Tornadoes can kill and are very dangerous.
SAFETY TIPS Go to a windowless room on the lowest level of your house. Go to a storm cellar or basement if you have one. If you can not get inside, lie in a ditch or low-lying area or crouch near a strong building. Look out for flood waters which may also fill low areas. Use you’re arms to protect head and neck. If you are in your car get out of the car immediately and take shelter in a nearby building or follow the tip above. A tornado can lift up a car or truck and toss it through the air.
3 DID YOU KNOW? FACTS The rotating column of air starts horizontal (parallel to the ground). This is from two different speeds of wind at two different heights. If this column is caught in an updraft from a storm, it becomes vertical. Did you know it is possible for tornadoes to form in Virginia Beach? Violent columns of rotating air can occur on water. They are called waterspouts.