In 1958 The Navy League established the Naval Sea Cadet Corps by request of the Department of the Navy
September 10, 1962 Congress federally incorporated the Naval Sea Cadet Corps
Main purpose – Foster good citizenshipFoster good citizenship Build characterBuild character Core valuesCore values RespectRespect Team workTeam work Self confidenceSelf confidence LeadershipLeadership Appreciation of our Nation’s Sea ServicesAppreciation of our Nation’s Sea Services
Australia Belgium Bermuda Canada Hong Kong JapanNetherlands Russia South Korea United Kingdom
- Australia - Belgium - Bermuda - Canada - Hong Kong - Japan - Netherlands - Russia - South Korea - United Kingdom Foreign Exchange Partners
Cadets have absolutely no commitment regarding future military service.
Cadets who decide to enlist in the Military may gain entry at an advanced pay grade.
The Sea Cadet experience is looked upon favorably by Military Service Academies and ROTC selection boards.
No one gets paid or compensated. The staff are all volunteers.
NSCC Officer Corps must meet the following criteria : Must be a US Citizen. Be at least 21 years old (NSCC Midshipmen 18-21). Pass a criminal background check. Be free of felony convictions. To ensure the safety and security of cadets, all NSCC adult leaders undergo a background check at initial enrollment and periodically at the discretion of NSCC National Headquarters.
The unit runs on donations from the Navy League and other generous sources.
Yearly National Membership Fee: $60
Uniforms: Approximately $150 - $180 Approximately $150 - $180 ( Size trade up is free if uniform is in useable condition )
Drill at Spruance HQ During School Year Start Time 0830hrs unless otherwise specified Physical training Parents meetings Training classes Presentations and guest speakers Drill and ceremony Uniform inspections Event planning and preparation Administrative and promotion Division and squad time Commanding officer time Completion and Cadet pickup 1300hrs unless otherwise specified
Local Away Trainings from HQ During the School Year Will be posted in advance on the Training CalendarTraining Calendar US Air Marshall Service Tours Flagship Training at USCG Station Color Guard Events Navy Seal Museum Ship Visits Homestead Air Show Winterfest Boat Parade Seven Seas Gala High Ropes Team Building Course Fire Fighting Training Resolve Fire & Hazard Response Survival Training Coast Guard Auxiliary Boating Course Waterway Clean Up Parades Land Navigation Course Mini Boot Camp Fleet Week Ship's Tours Bivouac Camp out Lady Lucille Cruise Swim Qualifications Beach PT Other events as they are available
Summer and Winter Trainings -Airman Training (Basic & Advanced) - Air Traffic Control Training - FAA Ground School - Culinary Arts Training - Medical Training (General, Field, Surgical & Dental Tech) - Firefighting Training - Photo Journalism Training - Ceremonial Guard - Submarine Seminar - Marksmanship Training - Construction Battalion (SEABEE) Training - Mine Warfare Operations Training - Music School - Seal Team Training - Explosive Ordinance Disposal Training - Amphibious Training - Petty Officer Leadership Academy - Master-at-Arms Training (Military Police/Law) - Judge Advocate General (JAG) Training - Sailing School - SCUBA School - Seamanship Training - Shipboard Training -Opportunities also include living aboard Navy and Coast Guard Ships and Shore Stations for two weeks.
Summer and Winter Trainings: 14 day training approx $280 (Travel not included) 14 day training approx $280 (Travel not included) 7 day training approx $160 (Travel not included) 7 day training approx $160 (Travel not included)
Summer and Winter Training Requirements League Cadets NLCC (10 to 13) must complete League Cadet Orientation Training ( 7 days ). Sea Cadets NSCC (14 to 18) must complete Sea Cadet Recruit Training ( 14 days ). Pass Physical Training test and minimum Swim Qualification test.
How do you get rank and Ribbons? RankRank is earned. Completing specific trainings Completing course work Completing attendance requirements
RibbonsRibbons are earned. Completing specific trainings Completing course work Completing attendance requirements Academic excellence or civilian involvement may apply to some ribbon requirements.
Pass a qualifying physical examination. No one will be denied admission to the NSCC/NLCC due to a medical disability. A full time student and maintain satisfactory grades (2.00 "C" grade point average or better). Free of felony convictions. Who can join?
Prospective Cadet must meet minimum training standards ( Indoc phase and testing ) and be recommended by the Indoc Staff and Departments. Completion of the application Package. Physical examination by a physician No one will be denied admission to the NSCC/NLCC due to a medical disability. Interview of the parent(s)/guardian(s) and Cadet to ensure their understanding of the goals and objectives of the NSCC How can I join?