LeapFrog SchoolHouse National Sales Meeting Early Intervention Quality Quinn
What is Intervention? Children need instruction that compensates for deficits in Language Development and Early Literacy during the birth through five years. Low-income children and those preparing to transition to English are more vulnerable to these deficits (Lyons,2000) Efforts through community agencies are now being put in place to support parents.
What’s Motivating Pre-K Programs? Accountability Adequate yearly progress Recent brain research
Recent Influences On Early Childhood Education Recent language research Upgrading of day care Redefinition of developmentally appropriate instruction Academic curriculum –Reading –Math –Science –Social Studies
Assessment Reading Aloud Language Development Concept Development Phonological Awareness Beginning to Write Letter Recognition Mathematics Science Social Studies Health and Safety Personal and Social Development Physical Development
Holes in the Market Teachers know about phonological awareness, but they are not sure that what they are doing with children really teaches it Teachers still misunderstand the power of formative assessment Teachers are not aggressive enough about concepts and the vocabulary that is related to those concepts
How to Sell to the Pre-K Market Comfort the troubled and trouble the comfortable (Hunter, 1981)