Lesson Objectives What was William Harveys great discovery? Why was it important? By Mr DayDownloaded from SchoolHistory.co.uk
Who Was William Harvey? Born 1578 (England) Died 1657 Specialism: Circulation of blood
Before Harvey People believed in Galens theory that blood was produced in the liver. Galen believed that blood was burnt up by the body. Other writers had questioned this theory but they had struggled to prove it wrong.
After Harvey Harvey proved that blood flows around the body. He stated that blood was carried away from the heart by arteries and returns to the heart through veins. Harvey proved that the heart is a pump that recirculates the blood and that blood wasnt burnt up.
Harveys Methods Harvey was very scientific in his methods. These included: Dissecting cold blooded animals (e.g. reptiles) to observe the movement of muscle around the heart. Dissected humans to gain a knowledge of the heart. Used iron rods to prove that blood was pumped through veins in one direction. He accurately calculated the amount of blood in the body.
Nice One, Harvey. Harvey made predictions based on his meticulous methods that were not confirmed until after his death. An example of this was his prediction of the existence of capillaries. Harvey couldnt see, but said they must exist. With the invention of microscopes he was proven right.
Opposition. Just like Vesalius and Pare before him Harvey had to overcome opposition from people who could not believe Galen could be wrong. Harveys theories were slowly proven right and Harvey died a wealthy respected doctor with many important patients.