BesIII Computing Environment Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing. BESIII Computing Environment
BesIII Computing Environment Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing. 1.Computing in IHEP 2.BESIII Computing Pre-Grid
1.Computing in IHEP BesIII Computing Environment Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing.
Event size (kB) Number of EventData volume ( GB ) Raw data2~1.5× Rec. data6~1.5× DST data0.6~1.5× Current BESII Computing The total real and Monte Carlo data produced by BES and BESII are about 13 TB.
The BESII computing environment is built on: PC/Linux/Cluster NFS/AFS openPBS/GangLia CERN/CASTOR Current BESII Computing
Schematic view of BESII computing environment Current BESII Computing
The BESII Computing Environment: 6 file servers (2 GB memory and extra gigabit network adapter for each). 7.3 TB disk space. 64 worker nodes (Pentium IV 2.6 and 2.8 GHz CPUs and 1 GB memory for each). CISCO and Cabletron Switches. Current BESII Computing
2.BesIII Computing BesIII Computing Environment Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing.
Event size (kB) Number of EventData volume ( TB ) Raw data12~1.× Rec. data24~1.× DST data2~1.× The BESIII experiment is planed to begin to collect data in The peak luminosity of the BEPCII at the J/ Ψ resonance will be about cm -2 s -1, with the peak event rate at 3000 Hz. The J/ Ψ production in the first year will collect about 1×10 10 J/Ψ events. In the following years the production for Ψ’, D and Ds studies one will also totally collect about another 1×10 10 events. BesIII Computing Environment Estimated data size of BESIII experiment in the first production year
BesIII Computing Environment Data volume ( TB ) Storage medium J/ Ψ eventΨ ’, D, Ds event Raw data 120 Tape Rec. data 240×2 Tape DST data 20×2 Disk MC 240 Tape MC-Rec. 240×2 Tape MC-DST 20×2 Disk Sum 2,800 ( TB ) The number of events of the MC generated data will be 2 times as the real data. 2 versions of the reconstructed real data will be stored, while the simulated data will store only one copy Estimated total amount of data of BESIII in it’s whole production life time
1.It is very complicated and difficult to estimate the CPU number needed for the whole data production works, MC simulation works, and physics analysis, since there’s no direct experience of the data processing from BESIII it self at present, and the IT technology develops so fast. 2.The total estimated CPU power needed for data process and data analysis for BESIII experiment will be accumulated up to 1,000 to 2,000 the fastest CPUs at present. 3.This number is a very rough estimation, and will vary with the knowledge of the BESIII data processing, and with the IT trend in the following years. BesIII Computing Environment
Data flow of BESIII experiment
and other services: HTTP service Mail service AFS Home directory service Application service … BesIII Computing Environment The BesIII Computing Environment will provide 3 main services: 1.Public interactive Login service 2.Batch job service 3.Storage service
BESIII Analysis Public Logon Service Platform Physicist user Batch cluster Mass storage Uniform environment variables Uniform file access Uniform tool access Uniform library access Load Balancing System Data access Computing MC Reconstruction Analysis PB GB/MB Computing Mode Pre-Grid
The operating system and tools software of the BESIII computing environment will mainly use free software. BesIII Computing Environment One should note the risk when using free software: performance and stability.
------Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing. OpenPBS vs. PBS Pro BesIII Computing Environment
PBS Pro vs. LSF Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing. BQS? CONDOR? …… ? BesIII Computing Environment
Physical part:Logical part: 1.Computing Element 2.Storage Element 3.Network Element 4.Security Element I.Security Policy II.Administration Policy III.User Policy Construction/ Upgrading Maintenance/ Supporting BesIII Computing Environment
The BESIII computing environment is planed to be constructed step by step during 2005 – Jan., 2005—Dec., 2005: Study on each of the computing components, CPU, disk, Tape, SLC3 linux system, batch job management software, etc. Design a computing prototype, test the hardware and software components in an integrated environment. 2.Jan., 2006—Dec., 2006: Build a test-bed according to the prototype with full functions, with the 1/10 scale of the complete BESIII computing environment. Do the first Data Challenge and detailed system tests. Extend the test-bed to a 1/2 scale and then do the second Data Challenge. 3.Jan., 2007— : Extend the system to the full scale and provide full computing services needed by the first year data production of BESIII experiment. Extend the system along with the increasingly requirements of the experiment. BesIII Computing Environment
BESIII Prototype BesIII Computing Environment Test the hardware Test the software Data Challenge Test Train people … On the prototype, we need:
BES On line system Offline PC Farm YBJ CERN (CMS&Atlas) Computing Center pku CASTOR Physics data cache Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 This diagram only Shows HEP DataGrid in China 10Gbps E-science BesIII Computing Environment 1.The BESIII computing environment will be constructed in an open architecture, which is robust, secure, scalable and extendable, and is open friendly to be integrated with other new technologies, such as Grid. 2.To share the computing resources with other BESIII collaborators, and other HEP experiments. Grid?
------Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing. Suppose: 10 physicists access the 1/100 of the whole data and do analysis, , want to get results in 24 小时: 55 SI95 J/Ψ J/Ψ + Ψ ’ : 2.6*10 4 * 2 --> 6 *10 4 * 2 ?) peak requirement J/Ψ: Estimation BesIII Computing Environment
BesIII Computing Technical Proposal Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing. 3. IT Technology Trend
BesIII Computing Technical Proposal Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing. PIV 2.8G =:1000 SI2K, <1000 USD ( 包括主板、内存、 CPU 、硬盘、机箱 ) PASTA, the Technology Tracking Team for Processors, Memory, Storage and Architectures, LCB, CERN. 1 SI95 ~ 10 SI2K~10 CU
BesIII Computing Technical Proposal Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing. 3.2GHZ 1 SI95 ~ 10 SI2K~10 CU
BesIII Computing Technical Proposal Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing SI2K 1 SI95 ~ 10 SI2K~10 CU
BesIII Computing Technical Proposal Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing.
BesIII Computing Technical Proposal Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing. AMD:Advanced Micro Devices, Epox 8KHA+ Motherboard, AMD Athlon (TM) XP Intel:Dell Precision Workstation 360 (P4) 系列 Data from Chinese market, Oct. 2004
BesIII Computing Technical Proposal Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing. Storage
BesIII Computing Technical Proposal Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing. Storage
BesIII Computing Technical Proposal Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing. 数据来源:媒体公告价格。 Storage
BesIII Computing Technical Proposal Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing. Comparison of current different Tape Technology Storage
BesIII Computing Technical Proposal Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing. Comparison of different Tape Medias. LTO2?
BesIII Computing Technical Proposal Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing. Market Response
BesIII Computing Technical Proposal Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing. 4.Cost Estimate
BesIII Computing Technical Proposal Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing. Electrical Power supply: 1.Computing box: 300w * 500 (box) = 150 KW 2.Storage system: 10 KW 3.Cooling system: 10 KW 170 KW Room Space: 1.Computing box: 150cm*50cm*500(box)=375 m 2 /(3 layer) =: 125m 2 2.Storage system: 50m 2 3.Cooling system: 10m 2 ~200 m 2
BesIII Computing Technical Proposal Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing. Man Power: 1.R&D group 5(soft)+5(hard) 2.Maintenance&Technical Support 5(soft)+10(hard) 30??
BesIII Computing Technical Proposal Computer Centre, IHEP, Beijing. 5.Load Balancing & Cluster
lxplus001 lxbatch001 load balancing AFS/LSF? disk001 rfio tape001 rfio disk001 tape001 Batch Servers(FARM) Interactive Servers ( LxPlus) Disk Servers Data Storage(CASTOR) Tape Servers IHEP future computing environment Junior CERN?
IHEP Public Linux Logon Platform(LxPlus?) LVS