Come in quietly and sign in. Morning Work: 1.Open up your yellow math folder to the “Areas and Perimeters” activity page. 2.Turn on your iPod and watch the second segment of “Measurement” video called “Areas and Perimeters” 1.Videos Movies Measurement STOP at “Variabilities in Measurement” 3.After you finish you may re-watch the video again and complete the activities for that page. Study your mass facts and conversions for your quiz this afternoon.
Riding Your Bike This is an image of Ivan Dominguez, a professional cyclist. He has participated in many bicycle races, including the famous Tour de France. Think about a time you were riding your bicycle or 4-wheeler. Write a story about what happened. Include details about where you rode your bike, the friends who were with you and how you felt about your experiences.
Cruise & Take AR Tests Word Study: Draw, color & label 8 words Red Group: Meet w/ Mrs. Sumter Green Group: – Edit journals & finish covers – The Westing Game Webquest “The Westing Heir” at mmendez portaportal Yellow Group: Do two “Vocabulary Activities” for Ch. 1-2 AND Ch. 3-4 (keep in folder) Homework: work on novels & study words
You will be asked 4 questions about life in the Middle Ages. You must look through the text resources at your table to answer them the best you can. After each question, we will “mix it up” to share our responses. Listen for the question and the amount of time; When I say “Mix it up”, silently mix around the room; When directed, pair up with person closest to you; In pairs, Partner A shares and Partner B listens; Partner B responds to what he/she heard by paraphrasing: “LET ME TELL YOU WHAT I UNDERSTOOD YOU TO SAY”; Record summary of partners response; then Switch Roles STAY w/ your partner until I tell you otherwise. Mix it Up Business Card
1.Describe one person who may have lived during Medieval Times. What was their job or role in society? (ex. King, Queen, Knight, Serf, Peasant, Soldier) 2. What kinds of clothing did people in Medieval Times wear? 3. What kinds of food did people eat in Medieval Times? 4. Describe a Medieval Castle. Draw a picture to help.
Cooperative Learning Building a model of Medieval Castle
1.Draw pictures of “Traditional Family Members” 1.Cut & glue into IN (label “Family Long Division) 2.Vocabulary: Dividend, Divisor, Quotient 3.Use “Family Long Division” ppt to introduce steps 1.Follow along in IN w/ 4 sec. buddy 4.Exit card: write out the steps to solving long division 5.Homework: Division homework Today we start division…Turn your brains on!
1.Today we’re going on a trip! 2.Go over notes on Lesson 27 & add conversions to flip books 3.Quiz: Sol 4.10a Measurement Quiz 4.Classwork: Mup #1-19 odd only 1.If you finish early, get an iPod & watch any of the following: 1. the measurement video (segments 1 &2) 2.GW (George Washington) 3.Dear America Homework: Measuring Mass Using Metric Units Get out your homework from last night…we’ll check it together
Before: Today we will be learning about James Madison and why he is called “The Father of the Constitution” – Word of the Day: Compromise During: – Go over notes on James Madison pg 2 in SOL Study Book After: Fill in cloze activity for G.W & J. M Make up a cheer/song to remember the 4 facts about James Madison & share
Pick up your writing journals & go to the next blank page (write the date). Compare/Contrast George Washington & James Madison – What characteristics do they both have? – What makes them both “fathers”? – How are they different?
1.Your group has 6 words 2.You must: 1.Make your “picture vocab book” page (NO COLOR) When you are ready for a sharpie let me know 2.Make your poster page (WITH COLOR) 3.Make up hand motions/sayings to remember the meaning of the word 4.Keep your voices down…shhh…
Time:BlueYellowGreen 10:00- 11:00 Meet w/ Mrs. Sumter (kidney table) bring pencil & highlighter Meet w/ Ms. Mendez (circle table) bring pencil & highlighter Word Study- Sort words & write 8 addition statements 10:00- 10:30 Word Study- Sort words & write 8 addition statements & read AR Word Study- Sort words & write 8 addition statements & read AR Meet w/ Ms. Mendez
To do list: 1. Finish winter writing (check for c.u.p.s) 1.Turn into pile on circle table 2.Multiplication Review Problems 3.Research Project: 1.Choose a topic you would like to research 2.Come up with a question to guide your report 3.You need to search the Internet for information about your topic (take notes on notebook paper) 4.Use 4 Square Model to plan your paragraph 1.Topic sentence w/ 3 facts you found out & wrap-up sentence 5.Turn your information into an informative poster w/ pictures & color 4.If time, work on jeopardy games