Islam Rise of the Crescent
The Arabs before Islam Nomadic peoples from Arabian Peninsula
Arab Society Divided and ruled by Tribes –The Sheik Towns develop on caravan routes –Beduins –Camels domesticated 1000 BC
Arab Polytheism Found gods in nature and extraordinary natural events Supreme god is Allah The Ka’aba
Enter Mohammed From Mecca Married widow Khadija (caravan owner) –Wealth & power
Mohammed’s Conversion Visions from Gabriel Wrote down the Quran (Koran) Completed God’s revelations –Jews – part I –Christians – part II –Islam – part III
What Gabriel Said The Five Pillars of Islam 1.Shahada- Pledge to Allah 2.Salat- Pray 5 times / day 3.Zakat- Give alms to poor 4.Sawm- Fast in Ramadan 5. Hajj- Pilgrimage to Mecca
The Pledge, “Shahada” “La Illaha illah Allah Mohammad Rasul Allah” There is no god but Allah and Mohammad is his Messenger
The New Holy People Muslims - the 12 tribes of the desert –Ancestry of Arabs through Abraham’s son Ishmael and his mistress Hagar Jews are sons of Abraham and his wife Sarah (with back turned here) through Isaac (Tribes of Israel)
Changing Arab animists to Islam Allah is not king of gods, the ONLY god The Kaaba was a gift from Allah Mohammed not divine (unlike Jesus) Politics and Religion are the same Muslims at the Kaaba
Reaction to Islam Polytheists despise him –Disrupts economy, society, tradition and politics Chase him from Mecca -the Hijrah –622 AD = year 1 Story of Mohammed and the Spider on the Hijrah
Mohammed strikes back Medinah gives him shelter Builds followers and an army Conquers the Middle East in name of Allah
Islamic Society Governed by Shari-ah –Regulates all aspects of life Food, Gambling, Sex, family business and government –INTERPRETED BY SCHOLARS!!!