Unit 3: The Arab World Arabs, Muslims, and Ottomans
The Arabian Peninsula Has worlds driest desert areas ◦ Some areas haven't had rain in over 10 years There are steppes- dry plains where some grasses and plants can grow There are oasis Named for the people who have lived there for more than 3,000 years “Arab” describes people from the Arabian Peninsula or people who can trace their ancestors from this area
Early Arab Civilization: Sabaean Sabaean Civilization ◦ Herded sheep and goats ◦ Traded with the Egyptians
Early Arab Civilization: Nabataea Nabataea Civilization ◦ Established around 300 B.C. ◦ Capital was Petra Trade ◦ Controlled trade routes between Asia and the Mediterranean Sea ◦ Became very wealthy from trade
Early Arab Civilization: Nabataea Water ◦ Used aqueducts to get water ◦ Stored water in underground areas called cisterns Transportation ◦ Road camels Can carry heavy loads Can be used for milk Traders used them in caravans
The Bedouins Name means “people of the desert” Traveled in caravans with their families Also made their living by trading There are many Bedouins around today
The Life of Muhammad Born: 570 A.D. Orphaned and raised by his uncle Became a caravan leader Started working for a wealthy woman, who he later married
Islam Beginnings At the age of 40 he was praying when the angel Gabriel appeared to him He traveled to Mecca (Makkah) to convince the people to stop worshiping many gods Over the next 3 years he preached to the people to believe in one god, Allah ◦ They called themselves Muslims He started to anger Mecca’s leaders who saw him as a threat Muhammad and his followers were forced to flee the city ◦ They settled in Medina (Madinah)
Islam Beginnings His followers grew and eventually battles broke out between Medina and Mecca ◦ Eventually Muhammad and his followers concurred Mecca ◦ Muhammad declared that Mecca was a holy city He soon returned to live out the rest of his life in Medina ◦ He made one last pilgrimage to Mecca before he died After Muhammad’s death his teachings were written down ◦ Became the Quran Muslim holy book Still the most important book in Islam today
Basics of Islam Holy Book: Koran Place of worship: Mosque ◦ Holiest Mosque is the Ka’aba Believe in one God- Allah Believe in heaven and hell Muslims do not have priests ◦ They do have a man who leads prayer and takes care of the Mosque- Imam Holy Cities: Mecca and Jerusalem Most important time: The month of Ramadan is the most important holiday for all Muslims; it is a time of sacrifice in an attempt to connect with Allah (God). They do not eat during the day. When is the most important service at the Mosque held: All Muslims go to the mosque on Friday. Is a special day for prayer.
What do Muslim's believe? Muslims have six major beliefs. ◦ Belief in one God (Allah). ◦ Belief in the Angels. ◦ Belief in the holy books sent to all the prophets including Torah that was revealed to the prophet Moses, Bible that was revealed to the prophet Jesus, and Qur'an (Koran) that was revealed to the prophet Muhammad. ◦ Belief in all the prophets sent by God including Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. Although Muslims believe in Isa or Jesus they don't think of Jesus as the Son of God the way Christians do. ◦ Belief in the Day of Judgment and life after death. The best reward for performing good deeds is getting closer to God. ◦ Belief in divine decree. This means that God is all-powerful and nothing can happen without His permission, however, he has given human beings freedom to choose whether to be good or bad. In the end, everyone will be questioned about how they lived in this life.
What are the Five Pillars of Islam? These are guides for daily life for putting the beliefs of Muslims into practice. (Similar to The 10 Commandments) ◦ 1. Shahadah– (Faith) is a statement of belief in monotheism and accepting Muhammad as God's messenger. ◦ 2. Salah— (Prayer) the requirement to pray 5 times a day at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and night. ◦ 3. Zakat– (Alms) is the practice of giving to charity; about 3 percent of your individual wealth. ◦ 4. Sawm– (Fasting) Muslims must abstain from food and drink from dawn to dusk during the month of Ramadan ◦ 5. Hajj– (Pilgrimage) expectation to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime if they can afford it.
Islam Today Islam, is the second most popular religion in the world with over a billion followers. ◦ 5 thousand followers in the U.S.