By: Tessa Porter
I am interested in being a PT because I want to help people and make a difference in peoples abilities. Also I want to be in the medical field and not have to do surgery or deal with a lot of blood or guts.
To help patients with disabling conditions y providing help to restore functions, relieve pain, improve movement, and prevent/limit permanent disabilities.
Biology Chemistry Algebra Geometry Trigonometry Computer skills Medical Assisting
Most take 3 years to become PT Biology Chemistry Biomechanics Anatomy Physics Human Growth& Development Must pass national & state exam
Hospitals Nursing Homes Outpatient Clinics Private Offices Schools
Salary :$49,611 - $79,535 Total Pay: $51,405 - $87,890 Bonus: $ $5,145
In this class this year I have learned the structure of the human body when looking at the difference in human body and monkey during evolution.