What can we learn from analytics and shop stats? Where traffic is coming from When is the most busy time of day/week for traffic to visit your shop What items or shop sections attract the most traffic What kind of keywords people type in a search engine or Etsy to arrive at your shop How long people stay in our shops and if they click around. (bounce rate)
What country your views are coming from Are your marketing and advertising efforts paying off
Google Analytics
Shop traffic breakdown by page
Keywords by time
Visitors compared to Bounce Rate
Custom Alerts / New visits %
Shop Stats / Events
Sources and Keywords
Holiday SEO Strategy Grab buyers attention Stand out from the crowd Get more traffic Make more sales! Not lose SEO and Google Rank
The 4 Steps Create a shop section were your holiday sale items Create new items for your section Move existing items to this section Promote your section and specific items
Creating a new section
Will it make sense on Google? <meta name="description" content="Looking for Holiday Sales? Check out our selection of Holiday Sales at handmadeologybiz's Shop on Etsy" >
Changing your listing Leave the title alone!!!!! Add tag Add the keyword to your description
Promote You Shop Section!!! Facebook Twitter Bookmark it Blog