Tuesday 12/2/2014 Q2 WK6 D1 Agenda: DNA Notes: DNA Activity: DNA Reading and Coloring Homework : DNA Reading (Annotations) and Coloring Due Wednesday/Thursday 12/3-12/4/2014 for 30 Points GRADEBOOK CLOSES FRIDAY 12/12/2014!!!
DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid Q2 WK6 D1 11/18/13
Scientists of DNA 1953, James Watson & Francis Crick were accredited for discovering the structure of DNA Awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine in 1962; Watson, Crick and Maurice Wilkins
Scientists of DNA Rosalind Franklin: Rosalind refined the technique of X-ray crystallography, to study DNA and produced “Photo 51” From photo 51, Rosalind determined that DNA is the shape of double helix Watson & Crick used photo 51 and published their results before Franklin Rosalind Franklin died in 1985
Location of DNA DNA is coiled in chromosomes; chromosomes are located in the nucleus. DNA is the shape of double helix Double stranded Twisted Similar to a spiral staircase
Double Helix looks like… If a DNA strand was straightened, what would it look like???
Make up of DNA DNA is made up of Nucleotides strung together in a certain order. Each nucleotide contains… Deoxyribose (Sugar) Phosphate Nitrogen base Adenine (A) Thymine (T) Guanine (G) Cytosine (C)
How is DNA organized? Sugar alternates with phosphate at the sides The rungs (steps) of the DNA molecule are paired nitrogen bases The nitrogen bases pair in the following way… Adenine ALWAYS pairs with Thymine (A-T) Cytosine ALWAYS pairs with Guanine (C-G) The rungs are connected at the sugars Ended: Periods 4,5,6: 11/13
Nitrogen Base: PRACTICE 1.Adenine - 2.Cytosine - 3.Thymine - 4.Adenine - 5.Guanine - 6.Guanine - 7.Cytosine - 8.Thymine - Add to notebook check Write the appropriate pair with the listed nitrogen base…
Nitrogen Base: answers Thymine Guanine Adenine Thymine Cytosine Guanine Adenine 1.Adenine 2.Cytosine 3.Thymine 4.Adenine 5.Guanine 6.Guanine 7.Cytosine 8.Thymine