29-30 October, 2006, Estonia 1 IST4Balt Information analysis using social bookmarking and other tools IST4Balt Information analysis using social bookmarking and other tools Zigmas Bigelis IST4Balt Project consultant Skype - zigmasb
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia2 Trends Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Semantic Web (Web 3.0) Semantic technologies, 2005 World 1st conference TeamPersonalEnterprise Social Personal intelligence Collective intelligence PublishProcess
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia3 Information processes Information need specification and query storing Information need specification and query storing Information search Information search Information resources analysis and selecting Information resources analysis and selecting Storing URL, titles and snippets (parts of info) with additional analysis Storing URL, titles and snippets (parts of info) with additional analysis –folder system or DB for storing –metadata Re-using selected and stored information Re-using selected and stored information –Search in various repositories (personal, project, enterprise, social (Web) –Processing to create new documents, knowledge etc.
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia4 Tools system SEARCHRegistered RSSPersonal Bookmarks EXCHANGE SOCIAL bookmarking Content analysis Google Alert Google mail with labels Desktop SEARCH Copernic Summarizer Text analysis Semantic analysis Enterprise (project) Network SEARCH Google Suggest Google Trend Google History
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia5 Google Labs / ttp://labs.google.com /ttp://labs.google.com /
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia6 SEARCH Simple and advance Web search – the first filtering Simple and advance Web search – the first filtering Search group of resources – the second filtering: Search group of resources – the second filtering: –Web –Blogs –Enterprise –Project –Desktop Social search – the third filtering– 30 % Social search – the third filtering– 30 %
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia7 KartOO visual metasearch engine Topics list Search RESULTS Linked results on one topic “technology”
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia8 Vivisimo search engine Clustered results
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia9 Registered (subscribed) s News from websites News from websites News from companies News from companies News as newsletters News as newsletters Alerts Alerts Personalized news (selected topics) Personalized news (selected topics) Friends s Friends s Discussion groups s Discussion groups s
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia10 Registered (subscribed) List of s on SEARCH
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia11 Information Alerts Google Alert Google Alert zdnet Alert zdnet Alert other other
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia12 Google Alert Search terms – query list ENTER new query Edit/Delete query
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia13 Google mail – labels (on the left) Labels
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia14 Social bookmarking – definition 1 Social bookmarking is an activity performed over a computer network that allows users to save and categorize (see folksonomy) a personal collection of bookmarks and share them with others. Social bookmarking is an activity performed over a computer network that allows users to save and categorize (see folksonomy) a personal collection of bookmarks and share them with others. Users may also take bookmarks saved by others and add them to their own collection, as well as to subscribe to the lists of others. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_bookmarking Users may also take bookmarks saved by others and add them to their own collection, as well as to subscribe to the lists of others. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_bookmarking en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_bookmarking You can save bookmarks for personal using, for your team and for everybody You can save bookmarks for personal using, for your team and for everybody
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia15 Social bookmarking – definition 2 Social bookmarking is a web based service, where shared lists of user-created Internet bookmarks are displayed. Social bookmarking is a web based service, where shared lists of user-created Internet bookmarks are displayed. Social bookmarking sites generally organize their content using tags. Social bookmarking sites generally organize their content using tags. Social bookmarking sites are an increasingly popular way to locate, classify, rank, and share Internet resources through the practice of tagging and inferences drawn from grouping and analysis of tags. Social bookmarking sites are an increasingly popular way to locate, classify, rank, and share Internet resources through the practice of tagging and inferences drawn from grouping and analysis of tags.
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia16 Social bookmarking tools Beginning Beginning Yahoo MyWeb 2.0 – 2005 Yahoo MyWeb 2.0 – Yahoo MyWeb 2.0 main features – php/ Yahoo MyWeb 2.0 main features – php/ php/ php/ Del.ici.ous Del.ici.ous Flickr Flickr Yahoo has acquired Del.ici.ous and Flickr Yahoo has acquired Del.ici.ous and Flickr More – my paper “Social bookmarking as an information analysis tool” in IST4Balt News Journal No 2 More – my paper “Social bookmarking as an information analysis tool” in IST4Balt News Journal No 2
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia17 Yahoo MyWeb 2.0 A major component of MyWeb 2.0 is the addition of "tagging," the ability to add descriptive keywords and annotations to pages you save. A major component of MyWeb 2.0 is the addition of "tagging," the ability to add descriptive keywords and annotations to pages you save. If tagging sounds suspiciously like a new way of saying "metadata" to you, you're absolutely correct. If tagging sounds suspiciously like a new way of saying "metadata" to you, you're absolutely correct. article.php/ article.php/ article.php/ article.php/
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia18 Yahoo MyWeb Tags (infocloud) List of bookmarked Web resources Tags for 1 resource
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia19 Yahoo MyWeb infocloud Infocloud – My tags Larger – used more
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia20 Social bookmarking tools
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia21 Information collection and analysis tools Scrapbook for Firefox Scrapbook for Firefox Onfolio (Microsoft ha acquired in 2006). Free as a part of Live Toolbar Onfolio (Microsoft ha acquired in 2006). Free as a part of Live Toolbar Copernic Summarizer Copernic Summarizer
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia22 Scrapbook for Firefox Folders hierarchical systemScrapbook Sidebar Tutorial Download
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia23 Scrapbook for Firefox Snippet Comment (tags list) Edit (highlight) – 4 customized colours Title Selected snippet title
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia24 Copernic Summarizer Copernic Summarizer CONCEPTS SUMMARY SUMMARY length
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia25 Onfolio – for Windows Live Toolbar FoldersSnippetOnfolio ButtonList of resources of 1 folder
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia26 Information analysis tools and project portal Project PORTAL Open Source (Plone, Zope) Information retrieving, selecting, analyzing, evaluating, preparing for storing (metadata) and storing both in the tools and the portal Information DISSEMINATION Domain ontology Smart folders Intelligent search for re-using Information RE-USING Portal analytical features
29-30 October, 2006, Estonia27 Thank you for nice attention. Questions ? Questions ? Zigmas Bigelis Zigmas Bigelis Project consultant Project consultant Skype - zigmasb Skype - zigmasb