Macromolecules for 200 How can one tell carbohydrates and lipids apart? Carbs – Polar and a 1:2:1 C:H:O ratio. Lipids – Nonpolar with far fewer O.
Macromolecules for 400 What are the five nitrogenous bases? Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine, and Uracil
Macromolecules for 600 What specific molecule (whether ingested or produced from scratch) is the basis for all steroids? Cholesterol
Metabolism for 200 What are the five parts of an ATP molecule? Adenine, ribose, and three phosphate groups
Metabolism for 400 Name the type of cellular work going on. A ribosome assembles amino acids into a polypeptide. Chemical Work The polypeptide moves to the Golgi apparatus for further processing. Mechanical work The resulting protein functions within the cell membrane to build up a concentration gradient. Transport work
Metabolism for 600 What is true about the rate of reaction for a saturated enzyme? It is operating at a consistent, maximum pace
Potpourri for 200 Name the bond that combines monomers for each: CarbohydrateLipidProteinNucleic Acid GlycosidicEsterPeptidePhosphodiester
Potpourri for 400 Describe the structural and functional differences between starch and cellulose. Starch Glucose monomers linked into a helix Used by plants for energy storage Cellulose Glucose monomers linked into long fibers Used by plants for support/structural materials
Potpourri for 600 How can variations in pH affect the structure of a protein? Increases in the concentration of H+ or OH- interfere with hydrogen bonds, destroying secondary, tertiary, or quaternary structure.
This is glycine. What is the chemical formula of a dipeptide comprised of two glycines? C4N2H8O3