Genomic activities for Glossina at SANBI 2006 Win Hide, Mario Jonas and the SANBI team, University of the Western Cape South Africa
International Annotation and SANBI USA : Promoter element signatures and anatomically restricted expression with the Allen Institute for Brain Science USA : NIH funded Baboon cDNA annotation project USA: NIH funded HIV genome annotation Japan: H-INV human cDNA clustering and annotation with the Genome Network Project (GNP), Japan Japan: Fantom3 consortium, Japan, with the role of promoter annotation and gene expression annotation between mouse and man Japan: GNP and Fantom4 we perform data integration, analysis, and comparison of gene expressoin between mouse and human to include determination of promoter element signatures related to expression states. Japan : Rice Annotation Project 3 (RAP3) promotor annotation for stress- response genes UK/USA/Japan/South Africa: IGGI cDNA clustering and GO annotation
Genomic Resource and EST management
GO annnotation Annot8er_blast2GO InterProScan interpro2go InterProScan interpro2go Translated seqs BLAST KOGS, EGO, TOGs etc ESTScan (D. mel) Translated seqs Map2SunGear GOTerm Lists Gene Lists GOTerm Lists Gene Lists
Library specific GO assignments f ocal adhesion formation receptor antagonist activity DNA binding epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway female germ-line sex determination pheromone metabolism regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway transcription factor activity eye morphogenesis morphogenesis of a polarized epithelium cuticle biosynthesis Wnt receptor signaling pathway zinc ion binding regulation of locomotion adult behavior G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway receptor binding signal transduction signal transducer activity transmission of nerve impulse methyl-CpG binding histone deacetylase binding NuRD complex polytene chromosome
Evolutionary Scope morsitans submorsitans palpalis D.melangaster pallidipes Anopheles spp.
IGGI satellite meeting Website development Funding Integration with Tryp community Resources overview Formation of MOUs with participating institutions Working principles for the scientific endeavour Planning and sharing of information around the genome sequencing; and Reporting on the outcomes relative to the genome from the recent IGGI led training meeting in CT.
Web based resource Mario Jonas MSc EST and GO analysis Data curator and website manager username = surname+first_letter_of_first_name e.g. M Berry = berrym Default account details are: username = password
Understanding the Annotation landscape Heikki Lehvaslaiho - SANBI Win Hide - SANBI Mario Jonas - SANBI Michael Gaunt - LSHTM/SANBI Alan Christoffels - TEMASEK Todd Taylor - RIKEN Matt Berriman - SANGER Christiane Hertz-Fowler - SANGER Michael Ashburner - U Cambridge Suzi Lewis - Berkeley Kim Worley - Baylor Dan Lawson - SANGER
Annotation Need a realistic annotation strategy for the vector. How will data become available.? How will it initially become annotated How will it be re-annotated? How will it be exploited in the African context to result in control?
Learning from the past Drosophila genome project Global view specific annotation improvements could be targetted fopr IGGI Select key gene families and target the BAC sequencing so that more specific sequence analyses can be carried out in parallel Technical review Access and distribution
Future Translational efforts Consortium management Communication Data management Distribution Publication strategies