Human rights By Nicole Browne
Central idea: People respond in different ways when displacement occurs due to the loss of human rights
They deserve more Haven’t they suffered to much already Image: 'Experiments In Other Cultures' Image: 'A grassroot innovation'
But we have to respect people now Image: 'ekuverikamakee, gadha fadha baareh' Image: 'GERANIUM'
You have the right of life Image: 'Koosah Falls' Image: 'Espetinho'
Image: 'Love'
Image: 'There's Always One' 18143
Image: 'Lego People' People
Image: 'Public Domain: Dr. Martin Luther King, jr.+at+1963+March+on+Washington+by+USIA+(NARA)' Image: 'Jena 6'
Image: 'Courtroom One Gavel'