Professionalism in teaching
What will this presentation cover The different identity in you as a student and you as a professional teacher – developing a teacher persona Professionalism in teaching – The teaching standards ( 2012) part 2 and Bristol Guide Professionalism as a trainee teacher – tops from colleagues in schools
The teaching standards ( 2012) part 2 Teachers uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside school, by treating pupils with dignity, building relationships rooted in mutual respect, and at all times observing proper boundaries appropriate to a teacher’s professional position having regard for the need to safeguard pupils’ well ‐ being, in accordance with statutory provisions showing tolerance of and respect for the rights of others not undermining fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs ensuring that personal beliefs are not expressed in ways which exploit pupils’ vulnerability or might lead them to break the law. Teachers must have proper and professional regard for the ethos, policies and practices of the school in which they teach Teachers must maintain high standards of attendance and punctuality. Teachers must have an understanding of, and always act within, the statutory frameworks which set out their professional duties and responsibilities.
Bristol Guide to teachers legal liability and responsibilities (2015) Teachers have a duty to take “reasonable care”- esp. on field trips Protect children from harm under the 1989 children act, section3(5) and sections 27 and 47 Follow procedures for suspected child abuse cases Appropriate physical contact with pupils Follow schools Health and safety policy Follow laws against discrimination and promote race equality under race relations act (1976 and 2000), sexual equality under sex discrimination act (1975) disability and special needs under disability and discrimination act of 1995 and SEN and disability act 2001
Promote education and social inclusion under education act of (1996) Promote access to education for all Prevent bullying under Human Rights act(1998) Understand school policy on timing and length of detentions Sex offenders act 1997 – no sexual contact with persons up to 19 in their care 1998 data protection act
MMU Code of conduct Trainee teachers work within a framework of legislation, statutory guidance and school Read the code of conduct in your handbook and sign
MMU code of conduct - Highlights Respect for others: including children, all school staff and staff from other agencies, parents and carers, other trainees. Regular attendance: university and school ( 120 days ) Punctuality Dress Internet use Respect the confidentiality of school resources, staff and students. Ability to listen to and act upon feedback and advice: from mentors, class teachers and University tutors; the ability to work in professional teams and recognise that other professionals may have different perspectives.
MMU code of conduct Mobile phone policy Trainees must adhere to the codes of Ethical Conduct in relation to Child Protection. Photographs, videos and other photographic images of children must not be taken. All mobile phones, particularly those which have a photograph facility must be switched off in the classroom and on school premises.
PMs top tips – professionalism as a trainee Shaving (mainly the blokes). Doing up top buttons on shirts. Telling lies to SMs and PMs and then being surprised when they get found out. Saying "I can't teach verbs, it's not my specialist area" Saying "I think I'm only supposed to have periods a week and you've given me 15. Asking if they can come in late/ go home early when they are free. Don’t wear leather miniskirts when teaching year 9 boys ! Do listen to advice. Act on any advice given Please don't chew gum in school Don’t sit in staff room moaning to other trainees about school/staff/ gossip in general. Doesn't create good impression Careful what you write about lessons when you are observing Punctuality is critical, as is attendance Get involved in after school activities. Don’t ‘leg’ it out the door at 3.30
MANNERS!!! Please say thank you when you have observed a lesson Don’t be texting constantly, actually don’t text at all If arranged to go and observe a member of staff - turn up! Ask in advance Paperwork – get it to the people who need it on time – just shows respect and appreciation Mostly, that teachers in school work to close deadlines, trainees that can work to those deadlines create a better impression and show professionalism which is vastly appreciated by mentors and teaching staff. Don’t overuse the photocopier – we have tight budgets Don’t use photocopier 5 mins before a lesson when you have sat in the staff room for the past hour talking about where you are going out, when established colleagues also want to use it Don’t tell people you are ill, then put on Facebook that you had a hangover !