LECTURERS Mrs. Syahrul Ashikin Mr. Muhamad Kassim Room: Tingkat 1, Blok A Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Sistem Elektrik Jejawi Mr. Muhamad Kassim Room: Kluster Elektronik Kuasa & Rekabentuk Mesin, Pengkalan Asam
OBJECTIVES To become proficient in analog circuit. To design an amplifier circuit using BJT and FET. To analyze amplifier in term of their frequency response, equivalent circuit, thermal management and gain.
COURSE CONTENTS BJT - SMALL SIGNAL AMPLIFIERS BJT small signal operation BJT AC equivalent circuits Common Emitter amplifier ac configuration Common Collector amplifier ac configuration Common Base amplifier ac configuration BJT complete Hybrid equivalent circuit BJT approximate Hybrid model
COURSE CONTENTS FET - SMALL SIGNAL AMPLIFIERS FET small signal model FET fixed bias circuit FET self bias circuit FET voltage divider bias circuit Common Drain ac configuration Common Gate ac configuration
COURSE CONTENTS CASCADE AMPLIFIERS Cascade connection Cascode connection Darlington connection Darlington transistor Transformer coupling
COURSE CONTENTS POWER AMPLIFIERS Power Amplifier Classification Class A power amplifiers Class B power amplifiers Class A-B power amplifiers Amplifier Distortion Class C and Class D power amplifiers Transistor Power Dissipation Thermal Management
COURSE CONTENTS AMPLIFIER FREQUENCY RESPONSE Basic Concepts Miller Theorem and Decibel notation BJT low frequency amplifier response BJT high frequency amplifier response BJT complete amplifier response FET amplifier frequency response Frequency response measurement techniques
COURSE CONTENTS THYRISTORS AND OTHER DEVICES Shockley Diode SCR and SCR applications SCS (Silicon Controlled Switch) DIAC and TRIAC UJT Photo Transistor LASCR Optical Coupler
COURSE MATERIAL Lecture notes – portal KUKUM Text book: Donald A. Neamen, ‘Mircoelectronic Circuit Analysis & Design, 3rd Ed.’, McGraw Hill International Edition, 2006 Reference books: Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, ‘Microelectronic Circuits, 5th Ed.’, Oxford University Press. Thomas L. Floyd, ‘Electronic devices: Conventional Current Version, 7th Ed.’, Prentice Hall. Robert L. Boleystad, ‘Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory’, 8th edition, Prentice Hall.
ASSESSMENT Final Exam : 50% Coursework : 50% Lab work : 30% Test :10% Mini project : 10%
COURSE INFORMATION Lecture’s timetable DAY TIME VENUE MONDAY 8.00 AM – 10.00 AM DKG3 FRIDAY 9.00 AM – 10.00 AM DKP2
COURSE INFORMATION Lab’s timetable DAY TIME PLACE INSTRUCTOR MONDAY 2.00 PM – 4.00 PM MKG2 (Group 5) MKG3 (Group 6) Mr. Shuhaimi Mr. Jimirafizi Mrs. Salsabila