填空题 解析高考新题型 考 查 目 标考 查 目 标 主要考查以下几种能力: 听力 阅读、阅读 + 写作、写作.


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Presentation transcript:

填空题 解析高考新题型

考 查 目 标考 查 目 标 主要考查以下几种能力: 听力 阅读、阅读 + 写作、写作

填空题考查的内容: 1. 对所提供文章中关键信息的正确判断和采集; 2. 适当的句型转换; 3. 正确地使用英语解释英语; 4. 原文细节信息的正确理解; 5. 主旨大意的归纳。

考查项目 在听力第三节中听短文 / 对话填空 考查考生获取、概括、表达主要信息的能力。 又称为 “ 信息转换 (information transferring)” 链接高考 在第二卷第一节中短文填空 主要考查考生综合运用语言知识与各种技能的能力, 既考查考生快速获取信息的能力,也考查考生组织 信息、表达信息的能力。

Blanks 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation: Telephone Message For 1. college. Information *The man want to take the course in computer 2.. *The course lasts 3. weeks. *4 Application forms can be got in the office. Technical programming 12 高考练兵场 记录 (Note-making) 001

Shopping Item bought: 1. Size: 2. Colour: 3: Price: 4: $ 9.80 jacket 14 yellow 高考练兵场 填表 (Form completion) 002

The woman told the man that a 1.______________was being built near their town. It can 2._________ 3._________of rubbish every day. rubbish plant deal with 3,000 tons 高考练兵场 003

Woman: Our buffet restaurant on B-Deck is now open for a wide variety of hot and cold dishes. The café is just beside the restaurant. The tea- room on C-Deck and gift shop, which is situated just near the captain’s office on C-Deck, are also open. Money can be exchanged at the counter opposite the captain’s office. Information about the Ship Buffet restaurant 1.________ Tea room 2.________ 3. ___________________ On B-Deck On C-Deck the café gift shop the captain’s office.

Man: …and lastly this week I have some information about a course at the Country college near Burnside, which might be of interest to someone wanting a late-season break, or to groups. They tell me they have spaces on their Country Sports courses the weekend after next. There are three courses that you might like to join: fishing, hill-walking, and rock-climbing. So, quite a lot of variety there. The fishing is open to anyone over the age of 12, and so is the hill-walking. For the rock-climbing, you must be sixteen or old, for safety reasons. All these courses are really enjoyable. BURNSIDE COUNTRY COLLEG Country Sports Weekends COURSEAGE Fishing ____________ 2. _____ Rock-climbing 16+ Hill-walking 12+

LONDON-----Oxford University had defended its 800-year-old name on the internet successfully, claiming control of a site run by a private individual. It is the second time in the past two years that Oxford university has own an Internet address dispute ( 争端 ) against the same person----- so-called “Mr Oxford,” who registered( 注册 ) with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) www. university-of-oxford. com early this year. “It did not claim to be connected with the university and it was misleading people” said an official of Oxford University. The official university website is 1. The dispute took place between ______________ ___and ____________. 2. Mr Oxford’s website registered is ___________________________. 3. WIPO is the organization _____________________________________. 4. Mr Oxford’s website would make people ___________ connect it with Oxford University. 5. The official university website is ______________. Oxford UniversityMr Oxford www. university-of-oxford. com the World Intellectual Property Organization mistakenly

“Throw me something. Mister! Throw me something, Mister! ” Thousands of people are waiting for the parade to pass them by and throw them a cup, some candy. Welcome to New Orleans USA. Welcome to Mardi Gras. Mardi Gras is a holiday celebrated in the south of the U.S. the name of the festival Mardi Gras, is French and means “Fat Tuesday ”. Mardi Gras is celebrated on a Tuesday between February3 and March9, always 47 days before Easter Sunday. During Mardi Gras, people like to dress up in colorful and unusual costumes, and of course, watch parades in the streets. The official colors of Mardi Gras are purple, green, and gold. Mardi Gras is celebrated for two weeks before Fat Tuesday and people from all over the world come to watch the festival. Fill in each blank with ONLY one word in the following chart with the information above-mentioned: 看题

Facts Inference Mardi Gras is the name of the 76_________. Here Mister is the man in charge of giving out 81______________. Mardi Gras falls on 77__________.Mardi Gras probably originates from 82________. Mardi Gras is 78______________in the South of USA. Some ancestors of the parades were probably 83________________. People usually dress up in colorful and unusual 79________________. The official colors are based on 84______________ customs. The formal colors of Mardi Gras are 80________,greenand gold. “Fat Tuesday” means people can enjoy themselves with big 85_____________ festival Tuesday celebrated costumes/clothes purple gifts/presents France French/Frenches traditional feast/meal information gathering information retelling 技巧点拨 返回

做填空题应采取三 个步骤 1. 细听 / 通读,掌握大意 3. 听 / 复读全文,准确作答 本节课主要内容 1. 新题型填空题在高考中的考查内容和形式。 2. 针对新题型进行实战练习与解析。 3. 新题型并不是语言层面的考查,而是语言运用的考查。 4. 新题型不仅要求获得信息( information gathering ), 还要求科学地表述信息( information retelling )。 5. 在填空题训练过程中树立正确的获取信息、处理信息和表 达信息的方法和思路。 2. 意群理解,获取信息 本 课 小 结本 课 小 结