OUR MISSION To develop an appreciation, tolerance and understanding of other cultures To encourage life-long interest and love for world languages and cultures To help eliminate racism, prejudice, and bias To increase understanding of those different than ourselves To cultivate the ability to communicate with a range of people To cultivate linguistic proficiency To develop 21 st century global citizens
CURRICULUM The curriculum uses the Understanding by Design (UbD) approach and is organized in thematic units to provide meaningful context to academic and cultural content, address national and state standards and assure that students are 21st century college-, careers- and world-ready. The entire program sequence can be found on the Curriculum link for World Languages
S PANISH I A U NITS Unit 1- Let’s get started Unit 2- We are students Unit 3- At school Unit 4- My favorite foods
U NIT 1 T OPIC : L ET ’ S GET STARTED - S KILLS Engage in introductory conversation by greetings & farewells Make introductions Write words in language by sound or having them spelled out in target language Ask & say how to spell words Recognize words that are familiar in their own language (cognates) Ask & tell your telephone numbers Ask and respond to questions about origin Talk about the calendar Talk about the weather
U NIT 2- W E ARE STUDENTS S KILLS Describe yourself and other Say where people are from Say what you like and don’t like to do Talk about daily routine and school activities Ask and respond to questions about school subjects, supplies and activities Talk about school schedules Telling time Tell what you do before, during & after school
U NIT 3- A T SCHOOL SKILLS Say what you do and how often Identify and describe classes and classroom objects Say where things are located Talk about how you feel Ask & tell where you are going Implement strategies to keep a conversation going
U NIT 4- M Y FAVORITE FOOD S KILLS Talk about food & beverages Say what foods you like & dislike Say what you have to do Say what you are going to do
S PANISH I B UNIT T OPICS Recycle vocabulary and grammatical structures from 7 th Spanish Unit 1 Family Life Unit 2 House & home activities Unit 3 Sports and a healthy body Unit 4 My daily and vacation routines
U NIT 1-F AMILY L IFE Talk about family Describe family members Give dates Express possession with “de” Make comparisons Say what to buy & wear Say what you want/prefer
U NIT 2- H OUSE & H OME A CTIVITIES Describe places & events in town Talk about different means of transportation Order food Express what you see Tell what you re going to do Describe a house & household items Indicate the order of things Describe people & locations Talk about chores & responsibilities Plan a party Tell what you must do
U NIT 3- S PORTS & A H EALTHY B ODY Talk about sports people play Talk about body parts & what hurts Talk about what activities you do to stay healthy Tell what you do at the beach
U NIT 4- M Y D AILY & V ACATION R OUTINES Talk about a typical day Talk about ways to travel Talk about a daily routine while on vacation Identify things far & near using demonstrative adjectives
M AIN GOALS : T EACH STUDENTS to speak and understand everyday communicative exchanges in Spanish basic Spanish grammar and vocabulary needed to communicate about the culture of the several Spanish speaking countries
I MPORTANT L ANGUAGE SKILLS Interpersonal Skills of listening & speaking Interpretational Skills of written & oral words Presentational Skills of writing & speaking Activities used to achieve these goals are: Dialogues, information gap and paired oral activities Written activities Listening comprehension activities - videos, song, taped conversations, YouTube clips Skits- rehearsed & spontaneous Frequent short assessments (written, oral) Mini projects Posters
N EW J ERSEY S TANDARDS Communication Culture Presentational Interpersonal Interpretive
EVALUATIONS Language Learning Effort-25% WORK HARD, BE KIND, NO EXCUSES Preparedness, positive contribution & participation, positive attitude, homework completion are an integral part of the class Communicative Skills Development activities- 40% Dialogues, skits, gap activities, dictations, quizzes, short writing & interpretive assignments, letters, postcards, etc. Assessments 35% - Unit Assessments are performance based and integrate all the skills of a language learner- Oral Interpersonal communication, Written Presentational assessments including grammar & vocabulary, and Interpretive listening and reading tasks.
W HAT CAN YOU DO ? Encourage your son or daughter to show interest in Spanish and its various cultures. Listen to the news, radio, or watch a Spanish TV program or movie. Visit Spanish language websites to play games & do interactive online activities. Encourage your son or daughter to share what they’ve learned in class and ask them to teach you words and phrases regularly. Visit Parent Resources to follow your son’s or daughter’s progress. Encourage your child to complete all assignments in a timely manner and PARTICIPATE
R ESOURCES Avancemos I on-line resources are accessed at Oxford dictionary link is accessed through UMS Media Center link or Mrs.Wasiak’s staff page
P ERSONAL INFORMATION I studied Spanish language and literature at Douglass College and Curriculum & Instruction at Temple University I have been teaching Spanish for 25 years- 14 years in Montgomery I have enjoyed traveling to Spain, Peru & Mexico several times After school help: THURSDAY Room B108