Women's Earnings as a Percentage of Men's This table shows how much women working full-time, year-round in the United States make compared to men. For example, in 1951, women made about 64 cents for every dollar earned by men. The wage gap has narrowed over time, with today's women (age 15 and over) earning 77 cents for every dollar earned by men
What Observations can be made? What are possible reasons for the trends?
TABLE 2 Men's and Women's Median Earnings by Education Level What Observations can be made? What are possible reasons for differences? Less than High School High SchoolAABA/BSProf/PhD Men$21,840$31,730$40,248$59,459$80,917 Women$14,623$21,682$27,330$40,645$54,115 Earnings % W/M67.0%68.3%67.9%68.4%66.9% — US Census Bureau
Figure 2 Men's and Women's Median Earnings by Education Level What Observations can be made? What are possible reasons for differences as to the differences as Education level Increases?
TABLE 3 Utah Compared to the United States as a Whole What Observations can be made? How Does Utah Compare? What are possible reasons for differences in Utah vs., the USA as a whole? UtahUSUtah Rank Median Annual Earnings for Full-time Year-round Employed Women $32,843 $37,118 Median Annual Earnings for Full-time Year-round Employed Men $47,573 $48,202 Earnings Ratio Between for Full-time Year-round Employed Women to Men 69.0%77.0%49 of 51 — US Census Bureau
TABLE 4 Women's Earnings As A Percentage of Men's United States 2012 What conclusions can you make from this data?
TABLE 5 Gender Earnings Gap in the United States Full-time Year-round Workers age Median Annual Earnings Ratio by Race and Ethnicity United States 2011 — US Census Bureau What Observations can be made? How Does Race/Ethnicity affect Earnings? What are possible reasons for differences between Races/Ethnic Groups? MaleFemale Ratio F/M Ratio F/White Men Black/African American$37,383$33, %64.1% American Indian and Alaska Native$35,912$30, %59.7% Asian$53,517$43, %83.5% Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander$39,371$31, %61.5% Hispanic/Latino origin$28,763$26, %53.7% White alone–not Hispanic/Latino$41,608$35, % — US Census Bureau
Figure 5A Gender Earnings Gap in the United States Median Annual Earnings Ratio by Race and Ethnicity What Observations can be made? What are possible the reasons for differences? How Does Race/Ethnicity affect Earnings? What are possible reasons for differences between Races/Ethnic Groups?
Figure 5B Gender Earnings Gap in the United States What Observations can be made? How Does Race/Ethnicity affect Earnings? What are possible reasons for differences between Races/Ethnic Groups?
TABLE 6 Gender Earnings Gap in the United States AgeMenWomen Ratio (W/M) $ 470 $ % $ 717 $ % $ 935 $ % $ 979 $ % $ 997 $ % 65+ $ 821 $ % What are these data showing? What explanations for the lower ratio’s with older workers? Full-time Year-round Workers Weekly Earnings and Ratio by Age United States 2011