Ran by Irish Mist
What is Duets Barns? Duets Barns is a SIM (simulation) game. A SIM game is a game where you can own, ride, show and take care of your own horse! Of course, you can’t see the horses, because they aren’t real. You can create your own dream horse, or you can buy a horse from someone else! SIM games give people who can’t have a real horse the chance to understand what owning a real horse is like!
Starting up First of all, you have to sign up. Read and fill out the form on the “Rules” page, and as soon as you click that send button, you can start playing! A page is created for each player so you can keep track of your money, horses, Items, and everything else! I recommend visiting the boarding stables first, and decide which one you like the most. After you have done that, you can either go to the horses for sale page, or create a horse! Each horse you create costs $2,000. You start out with $500,000. After you create or buy a horse, go to the boarding stable you like and fill out their boarding form!
What next? So, you’ve joined, created a horse and boarded it. Now, you can really start playing! You have to have tack (a saddle and bridle) to ride your horse. Go to the tack shop and purchase what you need. After that, you can enter your horse into shows! Some stables might host shows, and there are always shows run by the president (me, Irish Mist) that are available to enter.
Have Fun! The main rules are for all players to be nice, play by the rules, and have FUN! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact or for more immediate attention, or thank you!