1 Into-
2 What is IntoSAINT? Intosai Self Assessment INTegrity vulnerabilities Integrity controls
3 Two day workshop With cross section of employees
4 Utilises knowledge and experience of employees Promotes integrity awareness !
5 Quick results Practical and applicable recommendations
6 Ownership Integrity
7 SAI leads by example Integrity in public sector
9 Mini-workshop
10 Assessment methodology Object definition - organisation - processes Assessment vulnerabilities Assessment Maturity level Integrity Control System Gap analysis Recommendations - Reducing vulnerability - Strengthening controls
11 Vulnerabilities Vulnerable processes exist in all government organisations Some activities and processes are inherently more vulnerable than others Some factors can make processes more vulnerable
12 Inherent vulnerabilities ElementsVulnerable areas /activities /actions Relationship of the entity with its environment Contractingprocurement, tenders, orders, assignments, awards Paymentsubsidies, benefits, allowances, grants, sponsoring Granting / Issuance permits, licenses, identity cards, authorizations, certificates Regulatingconditions of permits, setting standards / criteria Inspection / audit supervision, oversight, control, inspection, audit Enforcementprosecution, justice, sanctioning, punishment Managing public property Informationnational security, confidential information, documents, dossiers, copyright Moneytreasury, financial instruments, portfolio management, cash/bank, premiums, expenses, bonuses, allowances, etc. Goodshandling, management and consumption (stocks, computers) Real estatebuying / selling
MR Average
14 Vulnerability enhancing factors 1. Complexity 2. Change / dynamics 3. Management 4. Personnel 5. Problem history
16 Assessment maturity level Integrity Control System What is the maturity level of the integrity control system? Existence of controls Operation of controls Effectiveness of controls Object definition - organisation - processes Assessment vulnerabilities Assessment Maturity level Integrity Control System Gap analysis Recommendations - Reducing vulnerability - Strengthening controls
17 Integrity Control System
18 Maturity levels LevelCriteria 0 - The measure does not exist 1 - The measure exists - The measure is not implemented / observed 2 - The measure exists - The measure is implemented / observed - The measure is not effective 3 - The measure exists - The measure is implemented / observed - The measure is effective
19 IntoSAINT webpage