SUMMARY – ENE 2004 vs ENE /062004/05 Inc/(Dec) R’m R’m % TOTAL ALLOCATION Higher Education Institutions Higher Education Subsidies Higher Education Restructuring Transfer payments to public entities NSFAS CHE SAQA Umalusi Transfer payments to: 10 18(44) Fulbright Commission UNESCO membership fee 7 15(52) Commonwealth of Learning CG to Provincial Educ Depts: NSNP HIV and Aids Departmental service Compensation of Employees Operational costs (2) EMIS Rec apitalisation of FET College Sector
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION R’m R’m R’m 2005/062006/072007/08 Total allocation Compensation of employees Operational expenses Included in this programme are: Ministry Management Strategic planning Staffing services Financial services Logistical services Security and asset management Information technology Internal audit
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION (CONT.) The projects under this programme are: Development and publication of services for electronic access - To incorporate all services in the Department for electronic access Master information system plan – To develop an implementation strategy for the master information system plan in education E-Government portal – To increase the presence of electronic services on the governmental portal.
PROGRAMME 2: PLANNING AND MONITORING R’m R’m R’m 2005/062006/072007/08 Total allocation Compensation of employees Operational expenses This programme will mainly be responsible for: Ensuring access to schooling, especially for the poor Infrastructure audit and national interventions in planning, design and construction of schools Ensuring constructive labour relations in education Performance management system for educators Implementation of revised legislative frameworks in respect of general and higher education and the revised NQF Implementation of the Integrated Quality Management System in all provinces
PROGRAMME 2: PLANNING AND MONITORING(CONT.) Establishment of monitoring and evaluation unit Publication of the South Africa’s education investment-key trends policy implication Document of +100 pages and 250 copies will be in circulation Drafting of the education financing,resourcing and cost-modeling plan Finalisation of the database for Budget and monitoring and support office Strategic plan related projects e.g.development of a guiding manual etc. Development initiatives such as providing support to project managers in the Department and in the Provinces dealing with programmes funded through conditional grants and donor funding Setting standards,procedures,systems policies and guidelines for development support projects Participate in international visits to the Democratic Republic of Congo for external development and support and sharing of good practice
PROGRAMME 2: PLANNING AND MONITORING (CONT.) EMIS – R12 million Additional allocation of R10 million included as earmarked funds Continue to implement the School Management Information System (SIMS) in 575 schools in the nodal areas Improve the quality of data collected through the EMIS Develop data quality control systems and schools sampling network Establish and enhance the reporting system for learner performance at district level Develop an Education Information Website
PROGRAMME 3: GENERAL EDUCATION R’m R’m R’m 2005/062006/072007/08 Total allocation Compensation of employees Operational expenses This programme will mainly be responsible for: Consolidating quality following the introduction of the RNCS into Grades 0-6 Revising the language policy Investing in quality teaching: National Framework for Teacher Education Management and rewarding performance Expand ABET and Literacy programmes Improved institutional governance and district support Ongoing implementation of inclusive education strategies Development of an assessment protocol
PROGRAMME 3: GENERAL EDUCATION (CONT.) HIV and Aids – R142 million Conditional grant to provinces Coordinate and support the structured integration of life skills and HIV and Aids programme across all Learning Areas in the school curriculum Ensure access to an appropriate and effective, integrated system of prevention, care and support for children infected and affected by HIV and Aids Deliver life skills, sexuality and HIV and Aids education programmes in primary and secondary schools RNCS: Curriculum 2005 – R10 million Implement the RNCS – Grade 7 in 2006 and Grade 8 in Research projects targeted at teachers teaching English as a second language and indigenous languages in the General Education and Training band will be conducted. Early Childhood Development (ECD) – R4 million additional Grade R learners in To ensure the development of a competent cadre of ECD practitioners for grade R and early years
PROGRAMME 3: GENERAL EDUCATION (CONT.) Children and youth literacy – R6 million Implementation and promotion of reading, writing, and numeracy programmes in the foundation phase Provision of a set of Africa’s 100 best books of the 20 th century to all grade 9 schools in the nodal areas is the second objective to be achieved SANLI – R11 million Monitor and ensure that contracted service providers deliver basic literacy programmes in selected provinces Volunteer educators contracted by the service provider deliver these programmes Provide learner support material for adult learners in selected provinces EMGD projects – R5 million Norms and standards in place for school management and governance 5% more schools with financial and general management capacity Develop monitoring and evaluation instruments for innovative management projects, such as women in and into management and leadership, alternatives to corporal punishment and school records Develop and distribute flyers on the roles and responsibilities of parents, learners, and public schools
PROGRAMME 3: GENERAL EDUCATION (CONT.) EMGD projects – R5 million Norms and standards in place for school management and governance 5% more schools with financial and general management capacity Develop monitoring and evaluation instruments for innovative management projects, such as women in and into management and leadership, alternatives to corporal punishment and school records Ensure that provincial school governing bodies(SGB),cordinators and trainers have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities Provide a common governance development framework that will inform all capacity building programmes and develop a national guidelines for SGB elections Develop school financial regulations for SGBs and school management teams Develop and distribute flyers on the roles and responsibilities through the Departments of Health,Home Affairs,Safety and Security and Social Development
PROGRAMME 3: GENERAL EDUCATION (CONT.) Disseminate admissions information through the radio and TV, newspaper advertising, municipality bills, social grant pay slips and bulk SMS messages Monitor the impact of the campaign at school community level, particularly in the less literate communities Improve efficiency and effectiveness of a sample of 18 education districts across the provinces (two per province) in fulfilling their key role of supporting schools Teacher Development: Curriculum 2005 – R15 million Senior phase teachers and provincial master trainers received training in the RNCS monitoring and quality assurance Teacher Development: Maths and Science – R5 million 500 new teachers of maths, science and technology commence with training in 2005 Monitor and support current teacher training in mathematics, science and technology through visits during contact and examinations
PROGRAMME 3: GENERAL EDUCATION (CONT.) Conduct external evaluation of the implementation of the programme National Teacher Awards – R2 million Advocacy for the initiative Capacity building of provincial officials to manage nominations Develop adjudication procedures to enhance common standards Support provinces to hold the provincial ceremonies National adjudication, verification processes, and national gala Upgrading of under-qualified and unqualified educators - R2 million Facilitate the selection and registration of target under-qualified teachers in the provinces Liase with SETA and ATDP on implementing the upgrading programme
PROGRAMME 4: FURTHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING R’m R’m R’m 2005/062006/072007/08 Total allocation Compensation of employees Operational expenses This programme will mainly be responsible for: Conducting credible external examinations for schools and colleges Implementing the national curriculum in Grades 10 to 12 Ensuring that FET College staff are qualified and competent Well managed and governed modern institutions, with efficient system Partnerships with business and SETAs National Resourcing Plan for the FET Sector Finalisation and implementation of programme based funding for Colleges Development of quality assurance systems for FET College programmes Upgrading the security of the examination system
PROGRAMME 4: FURTHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING (CONT.) Improved teacher training in mathematics and science Recapitalisation of FET College Sector - R50 million To develop an FET Sector plan Finalise national, provincial and college recapitalisation plans Collect data/information on skills shortages and labour market trends Ensure that tenders and contracts are developed and awarded by the beginning of the 2006/07 financial year FET Curriculum writing & implementation – R8 million Implement the national curriculum statement in Grade 10 in 2006 Support teacher development, printing of learning programme guidelines, technical subjects, religious studies and agriculture subject statements Phasing OBE into FET – R4 million Finalise policy for additional subjects for the national curriculum in Grades 10 to 12 Training of teachers and develop learner and teacher support material and advocacy
PROGRAMME 4: FURTHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING (CONT.) Historical Records – R4 million To establish a national historical records of the former examining bodies To ensure that these records are accessible to all provincial education bodies and related institutions Integrity and credibility of FET and Assessment – R1 million Credible examinations and assessment for schools and colleges Incident free and efficient conduct of all examinations Cuban Tutors – R5 million Support for Cuban tutors dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of mathematics and science Increased number of mathematics and science graduates from the focused schools Dinaledi – R3 million Institutional support to 102 schools focused on mathematics and science
PROGRAMME 5: QUALITY PROMOTION AND DEVELOPMENT R’m R’m R’m 2005/062006/ /08 Total allocation Compensation of employees Operational expenses This programme will mainly be responsible for: Continuous improvement in learning outcomes, while bridging the quality divide Levers to be used: Regular assessment of achievement in critical learning areas at key levels of the system Support to Whole School evaluation policy Focus on health programmes at school, including NSNP
PROGRAMME 5: QUALITY PROMOTION AND DEVELOPMENT (CONT.) Policy guidelines for the promotion and governance of school sports, arts and culture Increase participation in rural and urban nodes Support for the Ministerial Committee on Gender Equity Systemic Evaluation – R1 million Disseminate findings of systemic evaluation survey among schools with Grade 6 in 2004 Develop a new national assessment model to strengthen understanding of how learners perform in identified Learning Areas/Programmes in the system Whole School Evaluation – R1 million Refine and print whole school evaluation instruments Further design and develop the quality promotion and assurance monitoring and evaluation system Provide training to new supervisors, district officials and principals on the implementation of the whole school evaluation policy to evaluate and support schools
PROGRAMME 5: QUALITY PROMOTION AND DEVELOPMENT (CONT.) Social issues management – R1 million Development of policy and programmes to address the negative impact of the environment on children and education National sports, arts and culture – R1 million Increase participation and link it with talent search, development, and support in sport, arts and culture and music in school The programme for promotion of disability sports, arts and culture initiated Mini Olympic Games initiated at district level National School Nutrition Programme – R918 million Reach about poorest schools or schools serving poorest communities Feed about 5 million learners at the identified schools Feed for a minimum of 156 school days in all provinces Monitoring of the project 10 Functional gardens per province by March 2006
PROGRAMME 6: HIGHER EDUCATION R’m R’m R’m 2005/062006/ /08 Total allocation Compensation of employees Operational expenses This programme will mainly be responsible for: Transfer payments to HE institutions – R9 770 million Transfer payments to NSFAS – R864 million Restructuring of the HE system to ensure affordability and sustainability Revised policy for evaluation of research outputs for the creative and performing arts To support the production of quality graduates needed for the social and economic development of the country Enrolment Planning Greater articulation between FET and HE
PROGRAMME 6: HIGHER EDUCATION (CONT.) To provide support to institutions for governance and management To promote and support a leadership role for South Africa in Africa and the world A national conference on African studies Curriculum development linked to identity and values The Higher Education Management Information System project is included in this programme
PROGRAMME 7: AUXILIARY AND ASSOCIATED SERVICES R’m R’m R’m 2005/062006/ /08 Total allocation Compensation of employees Operational expenses This programme will mainly be responsible for: Co-ordinating, cohesive and effective communication in the education sector Provincial support and co-ordination Eastern Cape initiative Monitoring the administrative performance of education departments Set-up of a customer care centre to minimise undue delays in responding to public queries Operationalising foreign policy priorities, and strengthening international relations, especially within SADC, Africa and the South (IBSA )
PROGRAMME 7: AUXILIARY AND ASSOCIATED SERVICES (CONT.) Alignment of UNESCO programmes with government priorities