UK Research Reserve UKRR Deborah Shorley Head, UKRR ILDS Conference Hanover 20 – 22 October 2009
UK Research collections: the way ahead Just in case model replaced by just in time strategy
UKRR Background / context What is UKRR? The story so far Future plans
Why UKRR is necessary now (1) UK university libraries have too much stuff on shelves Much of this is available electronically Growing pressure on space as universities expand
Why UKRR is necessary now (2) British Library Document Supply Centre plays essential role but Demand falling Infrastructure needs modernisation
UKRR is.... a collaborative, coordinated and sustainable approach to long-term retention, storage and access to low use print research journals.
UKRR gives Quick and easy access to research material Coordinated retention of printed journals Collaborative storage of printed journals Release of space for other uses
Phase One Partners - British Library - Universities: + Birmingham Cardiff Exeter Glasgow Imperial College London Leeds Newcastle Southampton St. Andrews
UKRR Key achievements British Librarys BLDSC holdings strengthened 11 kms shelf space released in UK universities
UKRR Phase One Challenges BL: HE relationship Opposition of academic research community Diversity of approach Inaccurate holdings records
Moving on 2009 – 2014 UKRR Phase Two Key aims Protecting research information 100 km shelf space to be freed
UKRR Phase Two 12m grant from UK government 3.4m to BL to modernise BLDSC 3m to UK HEIs (UKRR members) to deduplicate low use research material
UKRR Phase Two UKRR Member benefits Better document delivery service from British Library Access to funds for deduplication to release space in HE libraries
UKRR Phase Two: Challenges Logistical complexity Finding tools still inadequate Need for universal buy-in Pressure on BL to deliver Changing political landscape
UKRR: Long term future By 2014 UKRR should be a sustainable system
After UKRR: What next? Monographs? Grey literature? International collaborations?
Above all UKRR will: Protect UKs research infrastructure
websites UKRR RIN BL RLUK SCONUL Imperial College London HEFCE
Key contacts Deborah Shorley, Head, UKRR Frances Boyle UK Research Reserve (UKRR) Manager Dr. Joanna Newman Head of Higher Education
References Protecting the UK's research collection: the UK Research Reserve project. Wright, N SCONUL Focus 40 p Supporting access to the UK's research collection: the UK Research Reserve project. Wright, N & Crawford, J. Interlending & Document Supply 36(4) p Securing access to print: the UKRR. Crawford, J. Serials 21(3) p Past its shelve by date? United Kingdom Research Reserve (UKRR): a 21st century strategy to protect our research information for the future. Shorley, D. New Review of Academic Librarianship 14 (1) p Innovative Collaboration in Action: UK Research Reserve. Boyle, F; Ahsley-Smith, A. ALISS Quarterly, 4(3) p United Kingdom Research Reserve (UKRR)- tomorrow's solution to yesterday's problems. Shorley, D.LINK, 6 April p3.
Deborah Shorley Head, UKRR