Vocabulary Unit 11
AB: away Aberrant: (adj) “one who wanders away”; deviating from a pattern or rule; abnormal Abdicate: (verb) “to cause to order away”; failing to fulfill or undertake responsibility; to renounce or relinquish authority
PRE: before Precursor: (noun) “that which runs before”; forerunner; someone or something that signals the arrival of another Presentiment: (noun) “one who feels before”; a feeling about something before it happens; foreboding
ERR: to wander Erroneous: (adj) “full of wandering”; wrong or inaccurate; mistaken Errant: (adj) “one who wanders”; wayward; wandering or straying
VEN/VENT: to come, arrive Circumvent: (verb) “to come around”; to avoid by going around; bypass; sidestep Convene: (verb) “to arrive together”; to call together; to assemble Covenant: (noun) “one who comes together”; a mutual or legal agreement; contract
CUR/CURS: (Latin) to run Recourse: (noun) “to run back”; help for a problem; solution; resource Incursion: (noun) “the state of running in”; an attack on another’s territory; a raid
DEM: (Greek) people Demagogue: (noun) “one who leads the people”; a leader who appeals to people’s emotions to gain power Demographic: (adj) “relating to the map of people”; having certain characteristics in common, such as age, race, or gender
ORY: belonging or connected to Cursory: (adj) “connected to running”; hasty or superficial; casual Derogatory: (adj) “connected to demanding to take down”; insulting, degrading
OR: condition, state, or person doing the action Precursor: (noun) “that which runs before”; forerunner; someone or something that signals the arrival of another Advocator: (noun) “one who gives voice to those near”; intercessor; one who pleads for others
SAT/ACT Words to Know Dowdy: (adj) poorly dressed, shabby; lacking smartness or good taste; frumpy, tacky Gauche: (adj) awkward, lacking in social graces, tactless, clumsy; inept, uncouth